Divine Mercy Novena Begins Good Friday

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by Krizevac, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Fatima

    Fatima Guest

    There is SO....Much Joy today!!!! My insides have been this way since I woke up and I can't stop smiling :) St. John Paul II has been my hero, my idle (in a good way) the example of holiness for me to exemplify. He was the greatest example of an extremely contemplative life, yet was also extremely active through his travels. His global travels, unparalleled to any other pope in history, is how he fulfilled Malachi's papal prophecy list of the "Laborer of the Sun". I just loved everything about this great saint and his Divine Mercy legacy he left the Church.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Well two and half hours at Divine Mercy Sunday at the Cathedral . Part way through the Church seemed to go quiet and fade and I saw a lot of Holy Souls up behind the altar waiting to be released.

    The the Church faded more away and it was as though I was in a twilight basement huge...in the Church and not in the Church and I saw that for every person in the Church there were ten Holy Souls waiting for release. The thing that struck me was how Holy Purgatory is, the Holy Souls really are holy. Purgatory is very holy indeed, like a Church itself. So peaceful , I had the strongest impression of the huge patience of the poor souls.

    They reminded me in a way of the patience of the people in the very long queques waiting for confession.

    What did it teach me? Well it taught me that Divine Mercy Sunday is a big, big deal for the Holy Souls. That part of Devotion to Divine Mercy is most certainly about the Holy Souls.

    St Faustina herself of course had a big, big Devotion to the Holy Souls.

    Torrentum likes this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I heard the Holy Souls crying out for prayer the other evening as I walked the dogs. I always pray for them as I walk them.

    So thirsty for the waters of prayer and sacrifice for the blessings of the mass, so hot and burning. They must always come first in our prayers. We must never forget them, never, Give them cool water to drink, give them your prayers....


    sunburst and Torrentum like this.
  5. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    Great post.

    Not having that long to go on earth and not having anyone I can rely on to pray for my soul, I decided (from purely selfish motives) a few years ago, to devote time and funds to the Holy Souls, on the basis that they would pray for me, when I go, if I pray for them now. I keep a 'Dead List' on a spreadsheet and note what steps I have taken for each on the list (which is very long as I have lived quite a long life myself). I always ask Our Lady at Mass to ask the Lord to allow 'my' souls to be soothed at least a little whilst I am in Church or while I am saying my Rosary.

    I joined the 'Friends of the Suffering Souls' and spend some time on the Rosary and a few funds on having Masses said for them and have them on the list of FREE daily Masses offered at
    http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/search/label/Purgatorial Society
    I also always put money in the 'Holy Souls Box' when leaving Mass (I have never seen anyone else do this - if there is such a box at your church - use it).

    Anyway, they have let me know (and I never expected such a sign) that they appreciate my efforts but that is another story.
    Jeanne, sunburst and Andy3 like this.
  6. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    I will pray for you Steve after you are gone so count on at least one person in the world if you happen to go before me. I don't know how I will know you are gone but I am sure some how I will if it is in Gods will. I am only 38 so if it is Gods will I still have quite some time left.
    kathy k, SteveD and sunburst like this.
  7. SteveD

    SteveD Guest

    THANK YOU ANDY! I have a problem knowing whether some people in my past are now dead. I think particularly of the parents of friends from my childhood and teenage years, I know that some of them have died but there are others who probably are dead but I don't know for sure. I suppose a 'catch all' phrase of "and all the other souls who I have known in life who are suffering in purgatory". I also pray particularly for those who have been a problem in my life (some old bosses, colleagues, teachers etc) and those for whom I caused problems and I believe that this is important.

    One thing I do intend to do is to leave instructions to have the 'Gregorian Masses' said. This is a series of 30 masses said over a period of 30 days for the release of one named soul from purgatory. This is an approved but not official devotion (whatever that means) but has been recommended as being sufficient to release a soul and there is a lot of history attached to it. I know that I can get this done by a missionary priest through 'Aid to the Church in Need' for a very reasonable sum. These Masses can also be said for the salvation of a living soul.

    Some details here of Gregorian Masses:

    Thanks again, Andy. (I may get someone to let this forum know when I am gone and ask for your prayers.)
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    You are very organised Steve, I admire this.:)

    There used to be an old tradition, long, long fallen into disuse for buisness men (and others) to tithe for the Holy Souls. In other words they gave a tenth of their profits to the Relief of the Holy Souls and relied on the Souls to help their affairs, they say it was a huge success. I suggested this to my father and mother many years ago and they looked at me with two heads and burst out laughing. :D I also remember my mother complaining one time about the state of her house . It was on the tip of my tongue to remind her what Mary Jesus and st Joe had to put with in Nazareth when she looked at me fiercely and said , 'If you are going to tell me about Jesus , Mary and Joseph in Nazareth I am going to start screaming and not stop until you shut up!' :D:D:D

    So I kept quiet.;)

  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    But it is quite true there is big time pay back with the Holy Souls, it is a real Insurance policy. They don't have to wait till heaven to pay us back, they can pray for us even whilst still below..they cannot pray for themselves but they can pray for others. I always put down my good health to their intercession, also the fact that while not as rich as the Rothchilds I have never , ever really gone in need.

    I am afraid I am not a very reliable friend to the Holy Souls , like a candle I tend to gutter and go out. This is why I like to read books on them to kick me into gear. My great standby at the moment is to sprinkle Holy Water on the ground and bless myself for them. The idea of water putting out fire pleases me.

    Here is a little candle for the Holy Souls, say a prayer please those who see this.

    Miriam likes this.
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I expect the best way to avoid Purgatory is not to go there in the first place. The wonderful priest as mass yesterday quoted something Jesus said to Faustina . He told her that the way , 'To avoid the Judgement Seat' and to call down the Mercy of God on ourselves is to show the Mercy of God to others.

    Wonderful. Now I have to go back to my trusty old Catechism and recheck what the Works of Mercy really are.

    The Works of Mercy
    The Corporal Works of Mercy To feed the hungry
    To give drink to the thirsty.
    To clothe the naked.
    To visit and ransom the captives.
    To shelter the homeless.
    To visit the sick.
    To bury the dead.

    The Spiritual Works of Mercy
    To admonish sinners.
    To instruct the ignorant.
    To counsel the doubtful.
    To comfort the sorrowful.
    To bear wrongs patiently.
    To forgive all injuries.
    To pray for the living and the dead.

    Aha to pray for the living and the dead I see I have come full circle. To avoid Purgatory myself, I see I must pray for the Souls in purgatory myself.

    How apt.
  11. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Steve, don't fear time in purgatory. Live devoutly to and with the Brown Scapular and you will be freed the Saturday after you die!!

    The Sabbatine Privilege

    The Sabbatine Privilege is a special promise extended to all who wear the scapular and are enrolled in the scapular. The privilege was approved by Pope John XXII, and was later confirmed by Pope Gregory XIII, Pope Clement VII, and Pope St. Pius V. The privilege states that those souls who keep the necessary requirements of the privilege will be released from purgatory by Our Lady the Saturday after they die. The requirements are: 1.The scapular must be worn and the wearer must be enrolled in the scapular. 2. Chastity to one's state in life must be observed. 3. One must fast from meat on Wednesdays and Saturdays. 4. You must recite the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin or the rosary everyday.
    Fatima, Mac and SteveD like this.
  12. Elisa

    Elisa Powers

    I am waiting for Jesus to appear in such a way and with such a beautiful back-sound music, but I know it will be much more beautiful than that....
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2014

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