May our Lord and our Lady's servant rest in peace! R.I.P. Carol Ameche Monday, July 22, 2013, around 1:30am or so, Carol Ameche died with Don son of Actor Don Ameche) at her side. Please remember her and her family in your prayers, masses and communions. Carol was the Daughter in Law to the late Actor Don Ameche, she wrote many books filled with the messages she was given by Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary. I know she has a great work to do now. I also do not doubt one bit that she will be a POWERFUL prayer intercessor. She co-wrote the book: Do whatever Love requires with Harriett Hammond and wrote the book: As we wait in joyful hope
I am very sorry to hear this. May she rest in peace. I'd read her website and noticed she stopped posting over a year ago. I can't find it now; I suppose it's been taken down. Praying for Carol and all her loved ones.
I am afraid ,being Irish I am ashamed to say I did not know who Carol was. But I have found her talking on utube and look forward to watching her a little later. I suspect she is one of those souls we should be praying too ,rather than for. When I went to watch her there I got the strong overwhelming scent of roses. But if prayer can gild the lily any I will pray for her at the feet of Mary this morning at Mass...and for her family, a huge loss, but heavens gain.
Wow!! Watched the video. What a woman! A great, humble prophet. It's a wonderful consolation to see someone like this confirming so much of what we have discussed on the forum. I am sorry I never got to meet her.
Yes Kathy when I listened to her it was like an inner echo of so much from God. I thought a lot about Carol yesterday through the day. She reminded me so much of my own mother, a simple good Catholic. I noticed in the interviews how she stopped talking and listened , really listened to the interviewer. Even when the lady was kind of cutting across at a tangent to what Carol has been saying. Being a good listener like this is such a rare gift and indicative of a very rare humility. So simple and humble was she that it took me a while to realise she was speaking prophetically with a profound Marian spirituality. I am afraid coming across so much in this realm that is false and proud I am inclined to become a little cynical and wonder where all the diamonds have gone , but here was a real rare diamond, shinning bright. I am looking forward to getting to know her a little better through her writings. It might sound a little over the top but I'd like to see her pushed forward for canonisation.
I just talked to Carol the other day. My dear prayer partner of 23 years went to his eternal rest and I contacted her to let her know. She was very active in the Scottsdale apparitions. She was chosen by Jesus and Mary to 'write' the apparition messages down from the visionaries. She is extremely educated and kind. When she would come to Pueblo and Colorado springs, Colorado we all would get together for prayer meetings. I was taking her somewhere one time and we were talking about the end times...(this was 20 years ago!) and we were joking about asking God for one thing for our 'CAVE' that we were going to have to stay in...we decided indoor/outdoor carpet would be a good start! LOL We got a good laugh out of that and throughout the years we reminded each other of it. While we were traveling she had a horrible headache. She suffered for souls and Migraines were often. The Holy Spirit told me to pull the car over and I was afraid she would think I was nuts, but I did it. Suddenly the sun burst out of the clouds and started spinning. We both got out of the car and watched it and praised God. It was as if He did it just for us!! When it was over we got back in the car and her headache was gone! She was such a LADY. Very polished and kind and never spoke above a soft voice (NOTE TO SELF: WORK ON THAT!) She was gracious and kind and had a terrific sense of humor. She never abandoned nor changed her work. She was driven to explain God's mercy and his love through the Chastisements he was going to bring. She was one of the first (along with Harriett Hammonds) to talk about places of refuge and point to St. Faustina. She helped organize the conference in LA I went to a few years ago with Bishop Danylak and my prayer partner Paul. She very pointedly said that 'SOME PEOPLE THERE WILL BE RECEIVING THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE'. I have no idea how many of the 800 did, but Mark Mallett came out publically and said he did and it was the most moving talk I've EVER listened to. He was in tears and there was not a dry eye in the house. Carol, even though her health was frail, continued her prayer groups and speaking as much as she could. She was not expected to come to the conference, but she showed up at the Hotel on Sat. night late and she sat and had a drink with the Bishop, Paul and I and we took pictures. I'll post them when I get back to Billings. Not many people know about the suffering she went through, physically, mentally and spiritually. I'm sure she wrote it all down since she was such a prolific writer. I enjoyed her book 'AS WE WAIT IN JOYFUL HOPE' very much, and there was a second book by that name also. The book with Harriett Hammonds was absolutely great. They self published it, but I might be able to get some info on it, as I will be in contact with Harriett today. Please continue to pray for her soul and her family. She was going to come to Denver to Paul's Funeral Mass on the 9th of Aug. We spoke about it. I drive back to Billings on the 27th and fly to Virginia on the 31st and help drive a uhaul truck to Denver then attend Paul's burial there.
MS7 thank you for sharing this wonderful story about Carol. I did not know anything about her until recently when I read some of her messages on 'AfterTheWarning', may she rest in peace.
MS7, A friend of mine back in 1997 gave me a copy of her book, and Harriet Hammons, called Do Whatever Love Requires published by Queenship Publishing. I have followed her locutions ever since , and wondered what happened to her in the last couple of years. Thank you for shedding some light on her. I will keep her in my prayers.
Harriet, Paul and I met in Colo Spgs, Colorado in 1989 and started the COLORADO MIR CENTER which brought in national and inter-national speakers for the area, published a newpaper, put on the first Colo. Marian Conference in Pueblo, Co, and with the permission of the diocese of CS and Denver, published and sold books, images and messages of Theresa Lopez and Veronica Garcia. The two women were totally different in their missions and lives. Harriet, after the closing of the MIR center went to live in San Diego and remarried after her dear husband died. She continues to spread our Lord and Lady's messages and is very involved in New Mexico now where she lives. She travels with her husband and quietly is a prayer warrior. We used to call her 'The General'. lol She was a powerful force!
MS7, I can't believe I found this post. I was just searching for information about Veronica Garcia as I have lost the one friend we had in common. That friend was Paul McGinn and I could always count on him to bring me up to date on things going on with her, Carol, Harriett and rest of the crew I met while in Colorado back in 1994. I assume that is the same Paul you are referring to here as your prayer partner. If so, I join you in my sadness over his death. Do you know if Veronica was contacted when Paul died? That is one of the reasons I was trying to find her. I have thought of her so many times over the years since meeting her at the shrine. Paul is the one who convinced me to make the pilgrimage from New York to Colorado to meet Veronica. As a result, I flew her and her sister to my home town and hosted them for a few days. Paul and his wife Audrey drove all the way to New York to be there with Veronica for support. She was a wonderful blessing for my community and so many people went to confession after being away for years. Now concerning Paul's death, I want to tell you of the unusual circumstance in which I was informed of his imminent passing. I called Paul after several years of not being in contact with him, only to be greeted by one of the kids on the other end of the phone telling me that Paul had only days to weeks left to live. As you can imagine I was shocked and deeply saddened at the news. I said good bye and asked her to give Paul my love and tell him I would be in prayer for him. A couple of days later the phone rang and Audrey was on the other end telling me that Paul wanted to speak with me. He spoke with a very weak voice and we had a precious few minutes before having to end the call. I never did hear when he died and have wondered since that phone call what date he actually died on.
Anna, We might know each other. Is this your real name? Here is my story about Paul McGinn's death that Charlie had on his blog and that I reposted on my blog. Veronica lives a very quiet life as a victim soul and was consecrated by Bishop Danylak years ago. She still lives in a small town in Colorado. I was there when it was done in Marmora. She offers everything for the Sisters of Charity, (soon to be Saint) Mother Theresa's order. Paul died on the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary two years ago. I've missed him every day since we spoke almost every day! However, I know he was a man of preparation and had a deep desire to be holy and was a man who lived evangelization, charity and love. He walked the walk, and talked the talk! He truly was a knight of our Lady! Its neat to talk to you about these old memories Anna. I bet we have a lot in common! We certainly know the same people! Private message me if you want to or email me at
Veronica and Paul were close until the end. She never quit being part of his life. He and I ALWAYS believed she was a true visionary. Her life proves it.