Cardinal Dolan Hit: Amazing

Discussion in 'Positive Critique' started by padraig, Dec 29, 2018.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, I 'd forgotten half of all this. The Cardinal certainly has a long history. Then there was the welcoming of the homosexuals into the St PAtrick's Day Parade which was just awful.

    Yes he certainly does have a history.

    Light, DivineMercy and Beth B like this.
  2. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    I agree....finding a church that will actually preach authentic Catholic faith is and will continue to be more of a challenge in light of a obvious conflict/ confusion of the interpretation of the gospel resulting from the conflict and confusion of our current pope / clerics that exist today. That’s why it is our duty to know what the real teachings of our faith are...that we are not deceived by the wolves in sheep’s clothing....and they are plentiful.
    I’ll walk out myself in a mass that is spreading error and find a mass that is faithful to the gospel. No compromise with the truth. We are only beginning to see this trend of rampant error propagated within our church’s. Those not willing to live the true faith will welcome their revised version of it...this is why we will most likely suffer... from the depervation of truth.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
    padraig and AED like this.
  3. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Yes...and if I remember correctly, the ProLife groups that opposed this were not permitted to...or perhaps chose to boycott this parade because of this scandal. Dear St.Patrick Day was certainly hijacked by a parade lead by Dolan. What a horrible message to the catholic faithful...
    And scandal lead by a prince of the church....
    Light and padraig like this.
  4. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    07891815-37AC-4CA0-8BDF-1C80689C9F5E.jpeg Funny how the NY Gov. Cuomo bragged that this Saint Patrick’s Day parade has brought all New Yorkers together. How proud he was that the homosexuals were included....

    Later, this was Gov. Cuomo’s message for the ProLifers of this same state:
    Gov. Cuomo: “Pro-life, pro-gun conservatives 'have no place' in New York”

    Did Cardinal Dolan who lead this parade condemn Gov.Cuomo for publicly telling homosexuals that they are indeed wanted, but prolifers were not wanted in the state?
    If he did, I’ve not heard about it.

    Maybe Dolan might consider boycotting the parade this year if cuomo doesn’t retract his hateful remarks about prolifers...but me thinks they are too stinking chummy for him to admonish such a political big wig...he might not be invited to all the posh N.Y. parties.
    Dolan and Cuomo ....what a pair.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
  5. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I'm afraid this kind of nonsense has been going on for decades. Its just that more and more prelates have taken up the cause of being adrift to God and can only speak about things in a human capacity. It has been bad at the top down for many decades. One can sure tell a priest absent of holiness, just by listening to their homilies. My own pastor cannot talk about Jesus or Mary accept by making them more like us then like God. He can only speak of them as immigrants and every homily is essentially on immigrants and their plight. But where is God in his homilies? Awol. It is sad to hear priests who cannot talk about the sacred and holy and are essentially no more than a social worker in a priests collar. Yet, we are called to suffer through it all. This is why I keep my heart and eye's on the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Era of Peace. Otherwise I would give up hope and meld into the society with the walking dead men.
  6. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Like you Fatima, I agree that we need to keep hope. When praying the rosary I try to remember the second Hail Mary is for hope...without this....we are surely lost. With it, we will get through.
    Light and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, it doesn't take long to sense if a person is Christ centered or not. There really is a Light given off by people who have Christ at their center. Which is one of the main reasons I love to go to church. You get to meet people who love Jesus and His Blessed Mother.

    Personally I never talk much to people at Church, or outside Church. But it gives me the greatest Joy just to look at them. It makes me feel so positive. They really do give of light. Such a source of joy and peace and encouragement.

    Most of all when Priests and Bishops are like this. They are truly Alter Christus. 'Other Christs', awesome.

    Fr Rippenger , the exorcist, comments that the demons truly detest Bishops it drives them mad. Archbishop Fulton Sheen is such an example of what is possible in a Bishop ; in a priest.

    But when you meet a priest who is not centered on Christ it is devastating. It like coming home to a place that is deserted and dark. An empty house. So sad..and dangerous. For when Christ is not there what is? All kind of evil , creeping crawling things.

    Awww Blessed Fulton Sheen; the perfect model of the priest, the Bishop. the Evangelist.

    What a man! What a saint!!

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2018
    Light, josephite and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  8. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    Could you imagine the talks Bishop Sheen would giving, if he were alive today to see the evils he spoke of back then more abundant now then at any time in the history of the Church? I do miss the spiritual giants of the day who could nail down the most complex issues of the times with understandable language.
  9. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    I had a spiritual director who was one of the original priests of Opus Dei. Most have quietly become Saints. This one I'm sure is headed in that direction. But one day while we were talking I said...their will never be another Bishop Sheen. Modern society would never allow it. He said don't say that...its Gods will. Not what we think. There is some wisdom to that...maybe a modern Bishop Sheen is already here.

    Light, Beth B and sterph like this.
  10. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    He is very good at hiding if he is here! ;)
    HeavenlyHosts and fallen saint like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Actuallly I don;t know if you have read much of the inside story on his life? He was persecuted by the some of the Episcopacy in the USA. Partially I think for his astonishing success vis a vis the media. They detested him. Just like Mother Angelica.

    it is quite astonishing he was never made Cardinal. Astonishing.
    Praetorian and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  12. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    He’s one of those saints whose reward is very great in Heaven after he drank the cup of suffering offered by his confreres
    here on earth, I would surmise.
    josephite and djmoforegon like this.
  13. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I was quite young, but I know that he was a big hit, even the guys in the bars would turn the channel to listen to him speak. But as you say, he was not a big hit within the church leadership as he challenged them in many way's with issues they did not want to hear. Could you imagine any preacher speak today on the Antichrist they way he did then? He was as prophetic and studied as they come and all we get today is what St. Paul called pablum. Mother Angelica was the next best thing to him though.
  14. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    I know it looks bad, but I'm still inclined to give the Cardinal the benefit of the doubt regarding the allegations of knowingly covering up for a paedophile priest, at least until all the information is available. The allegations surfaced and had supposedly been dealt with years before he moved to NY. We don't know whether he was aware of the compensation paid in 2017. There could have been a genuine breakdown in communications.

    That business about the sports star "coming out" looks like a media attempt at a trip-up. Same with the parade. Isn't the parade run by the AOH?

    I get the impression that a lot of these events, especially the met gala disgrace, are deliberately orchestrated to make life difficult for Cardinal Dolan. Unlike Cupich who seems to search out opportunities to promote sodomy as good, Dolan is not the instigator of the scandals.

    I do think that it would be better if the Archdiocese distanced itself from the parade especially if, like here, it's nothing but a gimmick to attract tourists and boost alcohol sales.
    Evenstar and Don_D like this.
  15. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Is Bishop Barron as cheerful about modern day Pharisees and Sadducees as, say, atheists, Christians who don't consider themselves bound by the 10 Commandments or Catholics who dissent from Church teaching on a range of issues? Somehow, the enlightened doctrinal development of mercy doesn't seem to encompass the poor Pharisees and Sadducees.
  16. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Lately I am trying to do more prayer and penance for the hierarchy and priests. Those who are holy are really up against it. Those who are not, well....I know Our Lady has requested prayer and penance for priests. I feel the need to pray more and keep counsel unless really necessary.
    I agree about the parades and worldly glitz. Those have hit a new low on the morality scale. Dolours, you raise a good point about tourists and liquor sales.
    There are probably sodomite strongholds in every part of the Church.
    (Lavender Mafia) I can see it in my area. It’s so creepy and sad.
    Light, Praetorian, AED and 2 others like this.
  17. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    I think we all need to dig deeply and give them the benefit of the doubt. We have no idea if the facts are being truthfully told to us or if they are deliberately being manipulated in as bad a light as possible to further the agenda to decimate the Church. Regardless, I am in no position to pass judgement. I am convinced it is the later because it is the method which the media has always taken with the Church. I am not saying that I agree with the statements Cardinal Dolan has been quoted as saying but my own personal experience having been interviewed twice by the media and both times my statements were twisted to say things that I never intended to say even though they were technically "factual". They just conveniently left out things I said both before and after their cherry picked quotes to further their own agenda. It is common practice and I was naive to think otherwise.
    Praetorian, Dolours and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  18. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Praetorian likes this.
  19. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Omg...yes Padraig...look what they tried to do to Mother they tried to undo her. But she was protected by the Holy Spirit.
    She would be so sorrowful watching what the wolves are trying to do today. I’d bet she’s in heaven doing battle for the faith even now. Thankfully, We know how this is going to end...(y)
    padraig and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  20. AED

    AED Powers

    You nailed it Don. The media is not to be trusted. Whatever C. Doland has done or not done God will sort out but I am glad for the re minder for prayer and sacrifice. I remember Fr Leo on ewtn sayi n g " I have seen many actions but I have never seen a motive." We just dont know. When in doubt pray.

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