"SEEWALD: The election of Pope Francis is perhaps an exterior sign of a epochal turning point? With his does a new era begin definitively? BENEDICT: The temporal divisions were always decisive a posteriori: only in a second time is it established that here began the Middle Ages or there began the modern era. Only a posteriori is it seen how movements developed. For this reason I won’t hazard a like affirmation now. Nevertheless, it is evident that the Church has been abandoning more and more the old traditional structures of European life and, hence, changes appearance and lives new forms. It’s clear above all that the dechristianization of Europe progresses, that the Christian element is vanishing more and more from the fabric of society. Consequently, the Church must find a new form of presence, must change its way of presenting itself. There are epochal upheavals underway, but one doesn’t yet know to what point it can be said with precision that one or the other begins." Either way we have entered a new era. Who can doubt it considering all that has happened under Pope Francis and how the world has become so crazy? Not long now, not long.
this reminds me of the chinese proverb" wish for your enemies to live in interesting times" such times are the coming decades
Eleven years ago, it was like if the veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom... In 11 years, we have seen the worst: Facilitation of marriage annulments; Opening of Holy Communion to divorced and remarried people; Defense of religious diversity; Almost dogmatic defense of global warming of anthropogenic origin; Appointment of a perverse pornographer to the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith; The approval of gay blessings; And so many other aberrations, heresies, omissions, nonsense, aeronautical interviews... What else could come?
I remember exactly the moment and the place where I first heard this shocking information. I was in the car driving to church for a neighbor's funeral.