Surely another great sign of the times is that many of our politicians give all the appearance of being insane. Kamala is a good example. She appears mad to me.
What does social conservative mean these days? It seems to depend on what way the wind is blowing. If you need to know why the hard left appeals to the young, here's an example: Where are the "social conservatives" denouncing genocide? Young people tend to be idealistic and abhor hypocrisy. How can anyone hope to convince them that murdering babies in the womb is gravely wrong when a war criminal, mass murderer of born babies like Netanyahu gets standing ovations and unconditional support. Would you have shrugged your shoulders and said we have to accept support for the nazis because the alternative might be wore? Many did and history hasn't been kind to them. We must not do or support wrong in the hope that good might come from it. That's standard Catholic teaching. What goes around tends to come around eventually. I wonder sometime whether American social conservatives realise what that could mean for them, especially on the issue of collective punishment. Nearly half a million children under the age of 5 killed in Iraq alone, yet the slaughter continues unabated supported wholeheartedly be self-styled social conservatives. Have they no shame?
My in-laws, who are Catholic, my FIL goes to daily Mass, they say the rosary every day, and go to Confession monthly….love Kamala Harris and think she’s great, they are so excited about her running. My MIL even changed her Facebook profile picture to a picture of Kamala. I am shocked and dismayed. I don’t know how faithful Catholics can support her. They used to be fully pro-life, but now have begun saying things like, “it should be between a woman and her doctor” and “the government shouldn’t be involved.” Utterly shocking. I asked a priest about it, and he said something must be blocking the grace. I can only think of how last year, they attended their other son’s illicit wedding (remarriage after divorce, no annulment). Perhaps it only took that to cloud their minds and dull their intellect. I am very distressed, as they have a large influence on my children.
These turnarounds are usually as a result of someone in the family challenging the church teaching by ignoring it. Then parents trying to not cause conflict go along with it. Its a slippery slope. The church of nice so as to speak.
The only thing to add is sometimes the parents, in distress, actually go to the priest for help, and he actually advises them to go along with things to avoid conflict.......the generational damage from such errors in incalculable.......sadly, "just be nice" has led to many a disaster....
Next time you visit, leave a green scapular somewhere there aren't likely to notice....pray the prayers for them; Out Lady will help ~
Prayers. My cousin who goes to Mass every day got in a sudden rage with me when the subject of abortion came up. It was only years later it clicked with me that she had maybe had an abortion herself in her younger days
I can see how this could happen, parents walk a fine line. A disagreement with an adult child who has separated themselves from Church teachings can cause permanent damage in family relationships. Parent are often put in an impossible position, and they are fearful of losing their child forever. So sad.
Several years ago I had a friend of mine (and my family) marry someone who had been married 3 times previously (after the marriage and during the divorce proceedings my friend found out it actually was 4 marriages and their marriage was the 5th ) My mother refused to go to their wedding due the multiple previous marriages and predicted the marriage would be short lived (which it was - from beginning to end 2 years) At the time I couldn’t understand why she refused to go and we made excuses for her. I now realize how wise and full of faith my mom was.