Beautiful Music For Beautiful Souls

Discussion in 'Music' started by Spirit of Truth, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. Tibbi

    Tibbi Principalities

    Something different from the Greek Orthodox
    "Accept the Body of Christ"
    Who needs to understand the words to be enraptured?
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2023
    Te Deum and AED like this.
  2. Krizevac

    Krizevac Archangels

    Te Deum and Mario like this.
  3. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    This thread is so uplifting, thank you!
    Te Deum likes this.
  4. Tibbi

    Tibbi Principalities

    Uplifting? Remember the 'Old Days'?
    This will make you cry -
    this what we've lost [so visually uplifting too!]

    Basto, Booklady, MetAn and 1 other person like this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Have watched this many times. Amazing devotion.
    MetAn likes this.
  6. Indy

    Indy Praying

    That is beautiful and such devotion.
    MetAn likes this.
  7. Tibbi

    Tibbi Principalities

    Another from Laura Bretan and The Tenors
    When U believe in miracles… !

    May we believe in our God this much!
    Booklady and djmoforegon like this.
  8. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Te Deum likes this.
  9. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    AED and LMF like this.
  10. Mario

    Mario Powers

    The above is a beautiful hymn which calls upon Joseph to wondrously intercede for us, while giving glory to God! Love it!:D(y)
    Luan Ribeiro and LMF like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    This was filmed in County Antrim, were I live. I have the dogs paws walked off walking around here.:):) I often sing hymns here too.

    Like this one. Gorgeous, I don't have to wait for heaven when I can see scenes like this, especially in the Summer, not the Winter, you would die round here in the Winter.:D:D

    Last edited: Jan 15, 2024
    LMF likes this.
  12. LMF

    LMF Archangels

    Not sure if this has been posted before. An all time favorite ~

  13. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    A secular religious song by Depeche Mode and covered by the one and only Johny Cash. A genius who can make any song his own.


    Your Own personal Jesus
    By the telephone Lift up the receiver I'll make you a believer Take second best Put me to the test Things on your chest You need to confess I will deliver You know I'm a forgiver Reach out and touch faith Reach out and touch faith [Pre-Chorus] Your own personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who cares Your own personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone to care [Chorus] Feeling unknown And you're all alone Flesh and bone By the telephone Lift up the receiver I'll make you a believer I will deliver You know I'm a forgiver Reach out and touch faith Reach out and touch faith Reach out and touch faith Reach out and touch faith
  14. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  15. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Thank you all so much. I think I will play these as I say my rosary this morning. They will turn my hotel room into a little Church.

    They say heaven is full of music.
    Luan Ribeiro and Tibbi like this.
  17. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  18. padraig

    padraig Powers


    1. Stabat Mater dolorosa iuxta crucem lacrimosa dum pendebat Filius

    The grieving Mother stood weeping beside the cross where her Son was hanging
    The Mother stood grieving beside the cross weeping while on it hung her Son
    The sorrowful Mother stood full of tears by the Cross while her Son was hanging there
    The mother of sorrows stood in tears beside the cross on which her Son was hanging
    Weeping stood the Mother of Sorrows next the Cross, the while her Son hung there
    The Mother stood sorrowing by the cross weeping while her Son hung there
    The sorrowful Mother stood weeping before the cross where hung her Son
    At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last

    karnala, LMF, djmoforegon and 2 others like this.
  19. Te Deum

    Te Deum Archangels

    HEALING LIGHT (DEEP PEACE) 'A CELTIC PRAYER' by The Peacemakers by Karl Jenkins

    This piece of music is so beautiful and uilleann pipes so haunting - love them

    AED, karnala and LMF like this.
  20. Tibbi

    Tibbi Principalities

    Heavenly music Russian style
    -musicians: Alexey Mikhailov and Glinka choir
    -piece: Sviridov: Pushkin's Garland, No. 7: Reveille
    AED and karnala like this.

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