I was not aware in Australia you can actually get paid to get an abortion & it's illegal to hug a baby that is born alive from a failed abortion. Australia will pay the price for this, so will the rest of the world. We can't kill God's creation.
Well God is just about to have His very own say on all this and put His Big Foot down. You can feel it in the air all around you. Galatians 6:7: "Do not be deceived, God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"
Yes. It's palpable. I saw a meme this morning from Ann Barnhardt comparing how many people have been killed in all the wars in history with how many babies have been killed since 1980 in the whole world. No comparison. Our murdered babies far surpass history's total. Staggering. Utterly staggering. And yet people are "...eating and drinking and marrying and taking in marriage...before the Flood came and carried them all away...." They are hypnotized. Under a spell. To not see this. Blindness of such a magnitude i can't grasp it.
Australians say NO .. time for a conscience vote in the parliament, as we decide in the federal elections in May 2025 !!
I am afraid that things have gone so far that only the intervention of God directly in the form of a Chastisement will save us.
In Croatia, in 1945, about 500,000 million people out of about 4 million at the time were killed by communists. When they later asked one of the leading communists( Đilas) how they managed to do it, he said that the hardest thing was to convince people that murder was justified by stigmatizing people as enemies of the regime, and then it was easiest to kill when you had the support of the people. You get support by directing hatred, and that The moment a child in the womb becomes just a stain or whatever they call it, then the battle is already lost because they have convinced the public that there is no life there and that everything is permitted. Then it is easiest to pass a law according to which they will kill them. What is worst is that they do not understand that these children stand between their life and death because when killing becomes permitted then everyone gets their turn. It starts with the weakest and those who cannot defend themselves, such as unborn children, then the elderly who are a "burden" of society, then the sick because you are easing their suffering, then various dissenters, until it is your turn, and then there is no one to defend you because you stood still and cheered when the fire broke out. Similar to California, the fire eventually comes to your decisions, only unfortunately in all of this it also destroys those who were not guilty. The basis of everything is hatred because evil does not love man and does not love life. The greatest gift that God has given to man is life, and the greatest suffering that evil can cause God is to convince man that killing is justified and that he decides who will live and who will not... Hatred and murder always happen first in the heart and conscience, and then it is physically easy. You have to kill God within yourself, then evil does the work. I will quote you a proclamation of that communist from that time 1945, so feel free to replace some words and you will see that it is the same ideology, only disguised because they do not have complete power... «The only measure of the greatness of love for the people today» – writes M. Đilas – «the depth of hatred towards the enemy. (…) To hate the occupiers, to hate their servants, that monstrous growth on the beautiful body of the people, to hate them from the bottom of your soul, with every thought, with every drop of your blood – this means to be imbued with the noble and great feeling of the avenger of the people, this means to remain faithful to your people, to its history and its future. (…) Hatred without mercy towards them, this is your program and your oath, this is the noble fervor of the ideal for which you fight. This strengthens every friend of the people, this arms every fighter with the strongest weapon, the weapon of victory, this hardens the killing ranks. Remember that the great leader of advanced humanity, Comrade Stalin, said: the enemy cannot be defeated until one learns – to hate him…».[130]
This societal suicide will partially end up being its own self-chastisement. All those murdered babies won't be there in the future to support their ageing murderers, who will very likely be murdered themselves for the same economic reasons they chose to murder their children. Even worse, most of them will likely be cheerfully complicit in their own murders. A nightmare, hellish scenario. When Christ said that 'the gates of Hell will not prevail', it seems not unreasonable to think that Hell is going to come through those gates...and so it has.
We're seeing this exact thing now in Canada. How many times euthanasia is justified with the words "I just don't want to be a burden", whether it's a burden to family, or the "system", whatever.....And yes, it stemmed from the acceptance of abortion. So many times I've heard it said by older (than me) women that their mothers probably would have done them in if it had been legal at the time. Somewhere along the way, the dignity of being made in the image and likeness of God and therefore of inestimable value, was subtly turned into "what can you do?", which at some point leads to "being a burden" with "no quality of life".
I read in Canada psychologists can encourage euthanisation for ppl with depression. Doctors can encourage euthanisation for ppl with disabilities as well. How this world mocks God!
The phenomenon is selecting out the godless. Those who hold to traditional Faith will be more likely to reproduce.
This made me cry. I pray Our Lady of Guadalupe abolishes abortion. My heart is broken for those sweet baby dolls!