Fr Chad Ripperger

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by Donna259, Apr 3, 2021.

  1. Donna259

    Donna259 Powers

    Many are quoting this priest and his thoughts.....can any of you tell me more about him? Is he with an order or secular? I think he is an exorcist? Would like more information on this priest if anyone can share on him.

    Thank you.
    Michael Pio and Beth B like this.
  2. WTW

    WTW Guest

    From the website:
    Fr. Chad Ripperger was born and raised in Casper, Wyoming.

    After completing a Bachelor’s in Theology and a Bachelor’s in Philosophy at the University of San Francisco, he completed a Master’s in Philosophy at the Center for Thomistic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, TX. He then attended seminary and completed a Master’s in Theology at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Connecticut. After joining the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, he was sent to Rome and completed his Doctorate in Philosophy at the University of the Holy Cross.

    Upon ordination, he spent a year in a parish in Omaha, Nebraska and then was assigned to St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Nebraska, the diocesan seminary for the Diocese of Lincoln, NE. After teaching 4 years at the diocesan seminary, he taught for 6 years at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton NE, which is the main seminary for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in the United States. He spent 3 years as a pastor in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

    Fr. Ripperger is currently in Archdiocese of Denver establishing a religious order of semi-contemplative priests (Doloran Fathers) who will specialize in aiding those in the most spiritual need. See for contact information for Fr. Ripperger.
  3. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    I, too, would like to hear more about why this particular priest is so influential, particularly in the trad world, right now. When I was in a TLM group on FB, not a day went by where Fr. Ripperger wasn't quoted as the authority on one thing or another...
  4. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    I would imagine he is popular as he is very clear about doctrine and dogma and is able to explain church teaching in a coherent manner.

    Unlike the current fudge at the top that drives one to distraction.
  5. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    He's extremely traditional, adheres to the Church teachings of the 2000-year Magisterium. He can explain things in a down-to-earth fashion, but he always tells the Truth.
  6. dcana

    dcana Principalities

    See for yourself. Search for Father Chad Ripperger on YouTube.

    I love Fr. Chad. His knowledge on exorcism and spiritual warfare is incredible.

    Blessings to all
  7. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Absolutely a brilliant priest.
  8. Donna259

    Donna259 Powers

    thank you all, I will watch him on Youtube....I just wanted some minor background as to why he is so wonderful in your eyes. Don't know him at all but lately he is spoken about in many of my circles
    Michael Pio and AED like this.

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