Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by Fede, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. Sanctus

    Sanctus "Jesus I trust in you!"

    A prophetic warning from Elder Paisios and others.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2021
  2. Fede

    Fede Archangels

    Last edited: Jan 11, 2021
    Don_D likes this.
  3. Fede

    Fede Archangels

    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  4. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    There is no THE vaccine. There are many in trials. I heard today Novavax is in final trials! That is NOT mRNA.
    Fede likes this.
  5. Indy

    Indy Praying

    He said he used a new drug \ treatment called Regeneron from Eli lily.
    Sanctus likes this.
  6. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

  7. Fede

    Fede Archangels

  8. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers


    Auch Benedikt lässt sich gegen das Virus impfen"In der nächsten Woche"
    Sobald dem Vatikanstaat die 10.000 Biontech-Dosen des Covid-Impfstoffs zur Verfügung stehen, will sich auch der emeritierte Papst Benedikt XVI. gegen das Coronavirus impfen lassen. Niemand solle das Leben anderer aufs Spiel setzen.

    Mit dem Emeritus wolle sich der gesamte Haushalt im vatikanischen Kloster "Mater ecclesiae" immunisieren lassen, sagte Benedikts Privatsekretär, Erzbischof Georg Gänswein, am Montagabend der Katholischen Nachrichten-Agentur (KNA). Papst Franziskus hatte in einem am Sonntagabend ausgestrahlten Fernsehinterview gesagt, auch er lasse sich "in der nächsten Woche" gegen das Coronavirus impfen.

    "Ich habe mich angemeldet, es muss getan werden", so das Kirchenoberhaupt. Er glaube, dass aus ethischer Sicht jeder den Impfstoff nehmen sollte. Wer es nicht tue, setze nicht nur das eigene, sondern auch das Leben anderer aufs Spiel. Der Vatikan ist nach eigenen Angaben bereit für die Corona-Impfkampagne.

    10.000 Dosen für den Vatikanstaat

    Vergangene Woche hatte der Leiter des vatikanischen Gesundheitsamts, Andrea Arcangeli, mitgeteilt, die Impfdosen würden binnen weniger Tage geliefert. Arcangeli bestätigte, der Vatikanstaat habe rund 10.000 Dosen des Impfstoffs vom Mainzer Hersteller Biontech und dessen US-Partner Pfizer bestellt. Diese reichten für den internen Bedarf.

    Impfberechtigt sind neben Angestellten des Heiligen Stuhls und der Vatikanstadt auch mitversicherte Angehörige und Pensionäre. Die Beschäftigten mussten vor Weihnachten erklären, ob sie eine Impfung wünschten oder nicht.

  9. Fede

    Fede Archangels

    [QUOTE = "Luan Ribeiro, post: 321808, member: 5697"] 01/12/2021

    Benedikt also gets vaccinated against the virus "In the next week"
    As soon as the Vatican State has the 10,000 Biontech doses of the Covid vaccine available, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI also wants to join. get vaccinated against the coronavirus. Nobody should risk the lives of others.

    Benedict's private secretary, Archbishop Georg Gänswein, told the Catholic News Agency (KNA) on Monday evening that the entire household in the Vatican monastery "Mater ecclesiae" wanted to be immunized with the emeritus. Pope Francis had said in a television interview broadcast on Sunday evening that he too would be vaccinated against the coronavirus "next week".

    "I've signed up, it has to be done," said the head of the church. He believes that from an ethical point of view, everyone should take the vaccine. Those who do not do so are not only putting their own lives at risk, but also the lives of others. According to its own information, the Vatican is ready for the corona vaccination campaign.

    10,000 cans for the Vatican State

    Last week, the head of the Vatican health department, Andrea Arcangeli, announced that the vaccine doses would be delivered within a few days. Arcangeli confirmed that the Vatican State had ordered around 10,000 doses of the vaccine from the Mainz-based manufacturer Biontech and its US partner Pfizer. These were sufficient for internal needs.

    In addition to employees of the Holy See and the Vatican City, relatives and pensioners who are also insured are eligible for the vaccination. The workers had to explain before Christmas whether they wanted a vaccination or not.

    ( KNA ) [/ QUOTE]
    Yes they will be getting the vaccine. Pope Francis made it clear. However I have my own opinion and as I explained in an earlier post, when I stand before God no Pope or Priest will be there to speak on my behalf. We are each responsible for our own decisions and I cannot agree to getting a vaccine that has aborted cells lines or was tested on them as that baby never gave up its life for me.
    We are not required to agree.
  10. Luan Ribeiro

    Luan Ribeiro Powers

    does it look true?
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

  12. Fede

    Fede Archangels

    Well this cause for thought... more reason not to trust..

    19% or 95%? US expert challenges Pfizer vaccine’s efficacy, triggers debates in China
    By Leng Shumei and Bai YunyiPublished: Jan 13, 2021 10:55 PM

    An illustration shows vials of a COVID-19 vaccine and syringes with the logos of US pharmaceutical company Pfizer and German partner BioNTech. Photo: AFP

    Could the Pfizer vaccine's real efficacy be as low as 19 percent, instead of 95 percent as it claims?

    Questions raised by Peter Doshi, an assistant professor of pharmaceutical health services research at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, have triggered heated discussion on Chinese social media.

    Doshi's opinion was disputed among Chinese vaccine experts interviewed by the Global Times. Many experts agreed that Pfizer should provide more raw data for peer review but said Doshi's methodology may be flawed.

    Chinese experts also noted that disputes often arise from clinical trial data of COVID-19 vaccines, given the difference in participant groups and how different pharmaceutical companies define COVID-19 symptoms differently. They said that the efficacy rate of a vaccine should be evaluated in a more comprehensive manner, citing Sinovac as an example.

    Sinovac vaccine received a 50.3-percent efficacy rate on Wednesday, based on phase III clinical trials in Brazil. But the figure was largely due to the fact that participants in Brazil are all medical workers with a very high infection risk, experts said.

    Doshi on January 4 released an article on a blog platform under the UK pharmaceutical journal The BMJ, questioning Pfizer's efficacy rate.

    Pfizer revealed that it discovered 170 PCR confirmed COVID-19 cases during the phase III clinical trials and 3,410 suspected cases in total.

    However, if taking these suspected cases all as confirmed ones, the Pfizer vaccine's efficacy would be dramatically reduced to 19 percent. Even after omitting cases occurring within seven days of vaccination, which should include the majority of symptoms due to short-term vaccine reactogenicity, the efficacy rate remains as low as 29 percent, Doshi said in the article.

    Doshi also questioned the standards of how Pfizer excluded cases and the influence of the use of medication on the vaccine's efficacy.

    Doshi's comments triggered controversy on Chinese social media platforms, with some Chinese experts doubting Doshi's counting method for efficacy as he takes all participants showing symptoms to be confirmed COVID-19 cases, even if PRC tests show negative results.

    "The PRC test is of very high sensitivity, 98.6 percent in the last year. But its sensitivity could be only 5 percent under Doshi's counting method," Zhuang Shilihe, a Guangzhou-based vaccine doctor, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

    Zhuang noted that Doshi's doubts may be related to the anti-vaccine movement in the US, noting that Doshi has previously criticized other vaccines like the flu vaccines.

    A Beijing-based vaccine expert who required anonymity expressed distrust of Pfizer's efficacy, but he did not directly comment on Doshi's doubts.

    Despite different opinions on the Pfizer vaccine's efficacy, both experts said that Pfizer should reveal the raw data for peer review to better analyze the vaccine, so as to exclude the influence of any environmental or other elements on the efficacy.
  13. andree

    andree Powers

    This is excellent, complete with potential and known side effects of the shot.

    Sunnyveil, sunburst, Julia and 3 others like this.
  14. Fede

    Fede Archangels

    Just watched this.
    Everyone should see this video
    I watched the doctors when they were on the steps of the Supreme Court some in tears. They are sincere and just want to help. They are the heroes having lost their own jobs to fight to save people.
  15. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    Excellent video. Please watch and you will be very educated—-easy to understand.
    Julia, Sanctus, Sam and 2 others like this.
  16. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    sunburst and RosaryWielder like this.
  17. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    I don't believe Pope Benedict submitted for the vaccine. He has no visitors and is probably under the complete control/ care of his secretary who got into big trouble before for not controlling Benedict. Remember when Benedict jointly authored the book on priestly celibacy with Cardinal Sara.

  18. Me too, why didn't they show a video or interview him directly. This looks more like their fake news propaganda, without showing any piece of evidence
    RosaryWielder and maryrose like this.
  19. Joan J

    Joan J HolySpiritCome!

    Good question, everyone willing is being video taped or photographed for posting. It's being treated as a huge badge of honor.
    Sanctus and RosaryWielder like this.
  20. Fede

    Fede Archangels

    RosaryWielder and HeavenlyHosts like this.

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