
Discussion in 'Mother of God' started by ComeSoon!, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. ComeSoon!

    ComeSoon! Guest

    Posted on November 5, 2017 by Mark Mallett
    writing Medjugorje… Truth You May Not Know, a priest alerted me to a new documentary with an explosive alleged revelation regarding Bishop Pavao Zanic, the first Ordinary to oversee the apparitions in Medjugorje. While I had already suggested in my article that there was Communist interference, the documentary From Fatima to Medjugorje expands on this.

    I plan to rent this documentary tonight.
    Sam and Carol55 like this.
  2. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    ComeSoon!, Thank you for posting this. I think that Mark Mallett is a very good man.

    Last night I read on MOG that he might be finished writing and he was my first thought this morning upon wakening and I was truly glad to read an update on MOG that is not the case.

    I have a lot of reading to do to catch up on his ideas on all this. It is good to hear that there is a video to watch which may help to grasp some of the information.

    Thank you again!
    Sam likes this.
  3. Shae

    Shae Powers

  4. ComeSoon!

    ComeSoon! Guest

    Trying to gauge which thread to add this comment could easily go in others which are closed. Around 9:00 last night I heard on the radio a recorded show that Mother Angelica hosted in the US. She was talking answering a caller's question as to why the Church takes a long time to approve apparitions an what the criteria are. I don't often navigate EWTN online but perhaps you can find it. She did very much believe Our Mother is appearing often in our time. Her answer for the wait in approvals centered on the fact that they are rarely if ever approved of during the lifetime of the seer. She also of course urged focus on the fruits of the apparitions and devotion to Our Lord ever and fully present in the Eucharist. Her observation was if you do not visit our Lord in Adoration, you have no business traveling long distances to visit a site of apparition. The entire purpose of apparitions is to bring us children closer to our Lord.

    She believed Our Mother and Christ are appearing to various seers due to the desperate hour and state of our world. Events of our time, according to her are truly reaching the ultimate hour up to the Warning. She definitely believed events in Garabandal did occur. I site that location only because I have seen her in video interviews on that topic. Say what you will about
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2018
    Don_D, Agnes rose, regolith and 3 others like this.
  5. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Yes, ComeSoon, I have read in the past an article that helped me understand why Bishop Pavao Zanic would not accept the events at Medjugorje.
    To be honest, I would be too afraid of offending Our Lord by writing what I had read. But wonder if he and later Bishops are either under the influence of the masonic sect or in the case of the first Bishop, I wondered if he was too scared of the communists. To be fair the Apostles deserted Jesus through fear the night He was arrested, so we should not be too hard on Bishops who are afraid to defend the Faith nowadays. We just need to pray for them as Our Lady advises.
    ComeSoon! likes this.
  6. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    I believe it is customary for Holy Mother Church to wait until events prophesied come to pass before making a judgement on any apparitions.

    In the case of Fatima, Sr. Lucy was still alive when approval was given. I believe it must have been the miracle of the sun which was witnessed by over 70,000 people on October 13th 1917. Of course other prophesies were also fulfilled as revealed by Blessed Mother like the ending of the First World War, and the Second World War starting if people did not amend their lives. This all certainly came about as we all know.

    I would not expect Medjugorje to be formally approved until and if any secrets are revealed and prophesies attached to them come to pass.

    It is extraordinary that the Church is discreetly allowing people to go there and share in the Sacraments and the Rosary and Stations of the Cross. We hear of many conversions and reversions, as well as calls to the religious life, as a result of making a journey to Medjugorje, and partaking in the traditional devotions there. Of course we also hear of Priests who were becoming lukewarm or beginning to lose the fervour of their first calling being rejuvenated and getting back to their calling with renewed fervour after making a trip to Medjugorje, praise be Jesus and Mary.

    We will of course accept the judgement of Holy Mother Church. Always remember, the Divine Mercy devotion was silenced by the Church for 40 years, and by the Grace of God revived and approved in God's time. I was one of the people who KNEW Jesus Divine Mercy was real, and I never understood why it was silenced. Ours is not to reason why. But I can tell you, I was one happy bunny when Saint John Paul brought Divine Mercy to approval. Praise God.

    And no doubt, whatever happens Medjugorje can be cherished privately, if we are convicted of it's authenticity. St. Paul tells us we can take what is good and in keeping with the Gospel message and hold on to it, and leave the rest in Gods hands. That is how I will feel should it become necessary.

    Akita is another approved apparition, although the prophesies have not been fulfilled as yet. I am referring to the one about fire falling from the sky.

    I was listening to a video about Garabandal last week, and was surprised how the children were told Bishops would be against Bishops and Cardinals against Cardinals, and also how confusion would enter the Church. The children were also told Church leaders would lead many astray, even to perdition. I wonder how many apostates will suffer damnation before all this apostasy is over. We have to admit, this has come about much to our dismay these days. We need to 'Keep Watch and Pray.'

    I also believe it was the message about the Church ministers leading many to perdition that caused the Bishops in the Garabandal diocese to doubt its authenticity. Now we all know it is true. The Warning, the Miracle and the Chastisement which can be mitigated through prayer and fasting or penance is still not fulfilled. But I believe most people who read prophesies are convinced these three things will happen.

    God preserve us all and have Mercy on us all. Divine Mercy Chaplet is a must these days, as well as Holy Rosary.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2018
  7. Claves.Sancti.Petri

    Claves.Sancti.Petri Archangels

    Thought everyone would like to hear the youtube channel from the Youthfest I attended last summer.
    lynnfiat likes this.
  8. Claves.Sancti.Petri

    Claves.Sancti.Petri Archangels

    Thank you all for bringing this topic up I have had an outpouring of the holy spirit going over some songs from the youth festival there! Maybe we can form a MOG forum pilgrimage!
    Joan J likes this.
  9. ComeSoon!

    ComeSoon! Guest

    I am starting the process of planning just that! Here in my home town there is a man who has been leading pilgrimages for 20 years, many every year to Medjugorje. I could certainly start a new thread focused on that. I hope to meet with him next month to discuss a more definitive itinerary. Depending on the interest I find locally: friends, one of my choirs, I'll decide if I want to extend it here.

    My thought is definitely including a stop in Lourdes, somewhere in Europe in which the Eucharistic Miracle is adored as well as Medjugorje. Another thought is, depending on timing, if there is interest on MOG and someone else wants to take that project on, perhaps we could collaborate timing and actually meet there. I would love to meet fellow MOG members.

    I am hoping at this point to go in March 2019. That is the low season for travel in general, lower prices.
  10. Claves.Sancti.Petri

    Claves.Sancti.Petri Archangels

    I think I would enjoy going to Ireland since flights are cheap from there. Ive also always wanted to go to Garabandal as well.
  11. Sanctus

    Sanctus "Jesus I trust in you!"

    I'M going there in March. I love the place, if the opportunity ever arose I would love to work there or live there.
    Claves.Sancti.Petri likes this.
  12. Medjugorje, April 18, 2018

    Dear Children of Medjugorje, praise be to Jesus and Mary!

    A very interesting detail about Loreto transmitted by our Croatian friend :
    According to the folk tradition and written chronicles, the birthplace house of the Blessed Virgin Mary arrived in the miraculous way from Nazareth on May 10, 1291. to Trsat above the city of Rijeka, Croatia. At that place, the house stayed for three years and went equally miraculously (carried by the angels) to the Italian town of Loreto (December 10, 1294), where it is still today.
    The event impressed people so much that they immediately started to visit the Trsat Hill. Then the Croatian Prince Ivan Frankopan orderd the chapel to be built there on Trsat and his son Martin built the Franciscan monastery there with the church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since Trsat lost the birth house of the Virgin Mary, 1367 Pope Urban V. sent the miraculous Marian painting to be venerated there.


    When pope John Paul visited Croatia in 2003., he visited Trsat on Pentecost that year. Praying in front of the miraculous Gospa's painting he said: " Pray for me to Gospa of Trsat while I am alive and after I die".


    May God bless you!
    Sister Emmanuel+
    Patty, Byron and Carol55 like this.
  13. ComeSoon!

    ComeSoon! Guest

    The 2 week Pilgrimage I am planning especially for Catholic Singles in my area is moving forward with a date and the 1st informational meeting!!
    Patty, Shae, Sam and 1 other person like this.
  14. ComeSoon!

    ComeSoon! Guest

    Sam/Byron, any interest?
  15. Don't know how many here are familiar with Wayne Weible's writings on Medjugorje....esp. the story of his own conversion, but sad to hear today that he passed away after an ongoing illness. God bless him and give him His peace through Our Lady of Medjugorje.

    On Thursday we moved Wayne into hospice care and this morning he passed away peacefully. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. Just knowing you were with us in spirit during this difficult time made everything so much easier. May God have mercy on Wayne's soul and may he forever be in the presence of Jesus and his mother Mary.
    Weible Columns will be operational as normal starting Monday morning. Wayne had actually not been a part of the day-to-day running of the office in quite some time so Weible Columns will continue to spread Our Lady's messages through our monthly newsletter, our selections of spiritual books and our Medjugorje pilgrimages.
    P. O. Box 10, Hiawassee GA 30546
    Tel: 1-877-896-6061
    Patty, lynnfiat, Shae and 1 other person like this.
  16. Shae

    Shae Powers

    Wayne Weible's book was the very first book I ever read on Medjugorje, so he was very instrumental in my coming to know about Our Lady's appearances, and my eventual visit to Medjugorje. May he rest in peace.
    Patty, lynnfiat and Carol55 like this.
  17. Yes Wayne had a similar effect upon my introduction to Medjugorje and later desire to visit.
    Shae likes this.
  18. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    His books have converted many souls to God.
    Sanctus likes this.
  19. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    A prayer from Sister Emmanuel in Medjugorje:

    Dearest Gospa, please, pray for us more than ever! Attract in us the Holy Spirit who fills us up to the brim! Evil is surrounding us on every side, but you are here next to us... This is the time of the perseverance of the Saints (Revelation 14:12). Take us under your motherly mantle, for with you we are secure!
    Sister Emmanuel +
    Sanctus and Patty like this.
  20. Medjugorje NEWS:

    From Judith Weible:




    This is a glorious day for Vatican and Medjugorje!
    Pope Francis has named Archbishop Henryk Hoser as apostolic visitor to Medjugorje. He had initially sent him to the town as his personal envoy to study the pastoral needs of the townspeople and of the thousands of pilgrims who flock to the site of the alleged Marian apparitions.

    The Vatican announcement said its task is to guarantee, "The mission of the apostolic visitor has the aim of assuring a stable and continuous accompaniment of the parish community of Medjugorje and of the faithful who go there in pilgrimage, whose needs require special attention,".

    Archbishop Hoser will reside in Medjugorje and his mission "is strictly pastoral and not doctrinal," says Greg Burke, director of the Vatican press office.

    The Polish archbishop was appointed in February 2017 as the pope's special envoy to study the pastoral situation in Medjugorje. At a news conference following his first visit, Hoser said that although he has no authority or expertise to discuss the authenticity of the alleged apparitions, it was clear that "there is a special spiritual climate" in Medjugorje. "The biggest miracle of Medjugorje are the confessions" of hundreds of people each day, Hoser told reporters in April 2017.
    lynnfiat likes this.

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