Is this the future?

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by miker, May 21, 2021.

  1. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    I am keeping families here in prayer, especially in dealing with situations like these.

    My sister's stepson attended the University of South Dakota, returned "indoctrinated," has given them grief multiple times. He is gay, and despite having been born in the mid-1990s, to his mind the struggle is as real and intense as the Stonewall Riots of 1969.

    I've met him once. He was affable, kind, gentle, I had a very good impression of him. But he occasionally lashes out (verbally), and recently "disowned" them, only to next day apologize.

    Thankfully they're 130 miles apart (enough driving time to cool down).
    Beth B, Mario, Mary Crowder and 3 others like this.
  2. AED

    AED Powers

    I hope so.
    Beth B, Shae, RoryRory and 1 other person like this.
  3. AED

    AED Powers

    I could have written this post. So similar! My loved ones keep me "on my knees"--although I can't actually do the knees any more.:confused: but they keep me praying.
    sparrow, Rose, Beth B and 4 others like this.
  4. AED

    AED Powers

    Sigh. It is so sad.
    Beth B and Shae like this.
  5. miker

    miker Powers

    I’m sure you did not fail. You did what we all did/are doing- when they were very young abs in our control we took them to Mass, we prayed , and made sure they had the sacraments. When they got older, we invited, suggested, pleased and prayed. We have to hope and trust that God will do the rest. St. Monica never gave up. And before he converted, St. Augustine was a Class A sinner. So there is hope.

    I think in my own family, my Mother-in-Law, RIP, prayed for 20 years for her son to return to faith. She asked my wife and her 2 sisters as she was dying to continue praying for their brother. Well - they prayed and within a short time and out of the blue , their brother and his wife returned to faith. They are now a good 15 years practicing and despite several hardships have not faltered. I’m convinced that God acted especially when my MIL was interceding and praying from Heaven.

    So, despite the concerns and at times being dejected , I will hope and continue to pray for my kids and all this younger generation.
    sparrow, Beth B, Shae and 8 others like this.
  6. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Thank you for your prayers DS. So many sad family stories out there. :(
    sparrow, Beth B, Shae and 3 others like this.
  7. Mario

    Mario Powers

    One of my relatives shared not too long ago, that he had learned back in the '70s that my Mom had been praying the Rosary for him. He went and grabbed the Rosary beads from my Mom and ripped them apart. He is now a faithful Catholic. Time matters little to God. Some tapestries are more intricate than others, but all of them are beautiful in the hands of God.:love::):notworthy:
    Last edited: May 22, 2021
    Lumena, Adoremus, sparrow and 9 others like this.
  8. AED

    AED Powers

    Thank you Terry.:)
    Beth B, Shae, Mario and 1 other person like this.
  9. Mary Crowder

    Mary Crowder Archangels

    AED, I wanted to share with you a little bit about my life if you don’t mind. Because I think it is hopeful for your children’s conversion. I was that wayward child in my family. I was the non church goer, non believer, party girl. It broke my mother’s heart, and sadly I did not care! My mother and father did not want to hear from my sisters anymore about my life, it was too much for them. My father even bought a family plot, an extra one, in case it was needed for me. I had no interest in God, but through my mother’s devotion to our Lady in the Holy Rosary, God had an interest in me! Although, I did not talk to my mother at the time, I called her, and told her to stop praying for me. Somehow, I knew she was praying for me, and it was angering me. Not long after, I had an instant St. Paul conversion. Jesus let me know in no uncertain terms, I was headed for hell if I continued living for myself. He wanted me to live for Him. This was so shocking to my person, that I did through God’s grace a complete turn about. I had not gone to Mass previously for almost 10 years, nor confession. I started going daily to Mass and was converted so completely, I never went back to my old life. My friends , husband, family were absolutely shocked by my conversion. My mother to her dying day talked about this great miracle of my conversion to anyone who would listen. AED, God hears your prayers! I felt drawn to tell you, keep going! He is a GOD of great Mercy and Grace, and can convert a soul in an instant like he did for me! May God Bless you now and forever!
    Heidi, Lumena, maryrose and 16 others like this.
  10. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    This is a great conversion story. Thank you for telling us about it.
    Byron, Mary's child, AED and 7 others like this.
  11. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    How did your husband react, besides with shock? Was G_D able to win him over through your prayers for him and your family?
    Mary's child, Beth B and Shae like this.
  12. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    It's the people who DON'T question themselves that should.

    My parents were toxic and abusive, despite claiming to be born-again Christians since the early 1970s. Prior to that they were nominal Lutherans.

    To this day I am sometimes asked, "Are you sure you're going to Heaven after you die?" All throughout childhood doubt and anxiety were aggressively fostered. An attitude that some (favored) family members are unquestionably bound for Heaven, while others should continually "examine" themselves in a state of doubt and anxiety.

    And do/did my parents ever question themselves? Nope.
  13. Mary Crowder

    Mary Crowder Archangels

    Muzhik, My husband goes to Mass with me on Sundays. Most my children go, some not happily however. My husband became a Catholic, but never has really converted in his heart. However, he has his foot in the water. My life has been a difficult journey living the Faith, many hard fought battles in doing Gods Will when EVERYONE was against me. I homeschooled my children, when very few did at the time. I got a lot of grief for that. I fought for my daughter remaining a virgin till marriage, No one supported that one! She was faithful to God with her virginity and She found a very devout Catholic man a couple of years ago and married. They are expecting twins any day now. My life has been filled with long hard battles in supporting the teachings of Catholic Church and our beautiful faith, for God has made me a prayer warrior and a fighter for the church. But I have seen and had many miracles as well! But one thing I do know without any doubt, God is a God of miracles, and he wants our children’s conversion more than we do! I have every faith, he will convert the children of those who pray for them!
    Heidi, Lumena, Adoremus and 11 others like this.
  14. miker

    miker Powers

    Thanks for your Witness!
  15. KyleHancock

    KyleHancock Principalities

    I think we should start a separate thread of conversion stories. I always love reading them.
    Lumena, Mary's child, AED and 5 others like this.
  16. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Wonderful story Mary. A beacon of hope for parents who are praying for their children. Thank you. :)
    Lumena, Byron, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  17. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    How exciting, twins!! A double blessing for your family.
  18. Mary Crowder

    Mary Crowder Archangels

    Jo M, I am so very excited! A boy and a girl! Sometimes I am still in awe of God’s graces in regards to my daughter. My daughter went through a very long and faith challenged road in keeping her virginity till marriage. It was a very painful struggle, for her and myself in encouraging her to remain faithful to the Faith! What a test! She was not a sheltered girl, she is a beautiful professional singer. She also worked as a bartender. You can imagine the attention she got. She was laughed and pressured at a lot. She questioned and cried to me many of times. I stayed lovingly firm with her, but told her it was her own life and walk with God. But there is a right way, and I hoped and prayed she would follow the church. She did, and got the BEST husband a mother-in-law could want! Yes, my family is Blessed! Blessing’s upon you and your family!
    Heidi, maryrose, Byron and 5 others like this.
  19. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    My position as well! Please Lord...bring on the warning! I would like to be still be alive to see the conversions that I’ve been praying for!
  20. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Trust me AED...from my view, you’re more than capable of carrying all of these souls that our good God has entrusted to you! Our Lady will carry the load with you....she understands the heart of a mother more than anyone!
    Jo M, Mary's child, AED and 3 others like this.

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