Strange occurrences :)

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by fallen saint, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)


    Lets tell some stories...i have some good ones, but this is nicest one.

    I get to work, park my car, lock my car and go to work.

    After my meeting, I go back into my car... and my open soda is turned upside down with my cup holder full of liquid.

    I couldn’t have placed it upside down because it would have spilt on me and all over car.

    I only have one pair of keys and my car was locked when i got there.

    padraig, Dolours, Julia and 2 others like this.
  2. AED

    AED Powers

    Ohhhh-kay. Holy Water and blessed salt ASAP. :(
  3. Tanker

    Tanker Powers

    Here is a nice one.

    I don't usually tune in to online adoration. But since covid I have been. I turned it on one morning on the big tv so I could sit on the couch. My little rescue cattle dog/border collie mix barked when the monstrance came on. She was barking and wagging her tail. I turned it off and she lost interest. I turned it back on and barking and wagging her tail, like if someone was standing there. She doesn't watch tv normally but she did that morning. :)
  4. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

  5. SteveD

    SteveD Powers

    Many years ago when I was around twenty, I left home in the north of England to work in London. A few months after I moved there, a work-mate and myself decided to leave the Civil Service Hostel we were staying in and find a flat. We found one in a totally different part of the city and on one icy, wet Friday night left the hostel with our luggage and went to take up residence in the flat. When we arrived we found that it was still occupied and the occupants said that they were not leaving until the following Friday. We rang the landlord who apologized but said that she must have given us the wrong date.

    We rang the hostel and the manager said that our rooms had been let and that she had no vacancies. We went into a nearby pub to sit down and discuss our options. My work-mate said that his parents’ home was just about within commuting distance of London but that we would have to be up at around 5 a.m. and probably not return to his home until after 9 p.m. each day for the following week (neither of us owned a car). On top of this I was on a ridiculously tight budget and the substantial fares and some payment to his parents for accommodating me would wipe me out financially.

    Anyway, there seemed to be no alternative and we got up to leave the, very large, very busy pub to make our way to the tube station to start our long journey to his parents’ home. As we made our way to the door someone shouted ‘Steve’, a common enough name and I was a total stranger to this part of the city, so I ignored it, my name was shouted several more times and finally my surname was added to the shout and so I turned around. Two men were waving and walking towards me from a distant corner. I didn’t recognize them at first but walked over in their direction and finally recognized two cousins who I hadn’t seen for years. As far as I knew one lived in Leeds and the other in Germany. I sat down and, had a short conversation and explained about our situation and that we needed to leave urgently to catch the last train to a distant city because of the date confusion. One of them said, ‘That’s no problem, if you’re prepared to sleep on sofas, my flat is just around the corner and you can stay there free until your flat is vacant’. Deep sigh of relief, problem totally and unexpectedly resolved - and drinks all round.

    On the following Sunday, asleep on his very comfortable sofa, my cousin woke me and said, ‘Get up we’re going to Mass’. I said that I would give it a miss but he said that if I didn’t get up he would throw a bucket of cold water over me. So I went to Mass for the first time in a long time. After I moved out of his place, we were near neighbours and every Sunday he would collect me from my place to go to Mass with him and I became a regular Mass-goer again. If you’re not bored yet, I will add that the priests at the nearby church insisted that everyone sang the hymns and the priest who wasn’t officiating would circle the church and stare at non-singers and hand them a hymn book. You have never heard such singing in your life!
  6. Rain

    Rain Powers

    Cool story. I didn't get bored at all. :D
  7. DesertStar7

    DesertStar7 Guest

    Yeah. :cool: Very enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Divine Providence! Good story.
  9. Seagrace

    Seagrace Archangels

    Oh this made my day!!!
  10. AED

    AED Powers

    This a great story!!! This sounds like something God arranged to get you back in the fold. Gives me chills. What a wonderful cousin.
  11. AED

    AED Powers

    Your little dog knew who was there.:love:
  12. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    I will share a true story, actually I have several, but this I will never forget. My sister in law had a brother who was missing. I had never met him, he ran away from home before I met my husband. Apparently he stole a small amount of money from work, was afraid he would be caught and left town. They never knew what happened to him, the family repaid the money for him and charges were dropped but he did not know it. Years went by and the whole family missed him so much, every holiday was surrounded by sadness. The young man drifted, ended up in an abusive relationship and hit rock bottom. He was homeless, penniless, full of despair. But the thought of home tugged at him. About twenty years later he hitch hiked towards home. He ended up in the largest city close to his home, tired, dirty, hungry. A policeman directed him to the Salvation Army, they put him up and on Monday would take him to social services for assistance. When he arrived at the office of social services the person filling out the paperwork asked him his name etc., got a puzzled look on her face and said, "Wait a minute, I will be right back". The secretary ran into a back office, looked at her boss and said, "you will not believe this, but I think your brother is in the other room". The man did not know his little sister had grown up and worked in social services. The The clerk said, "what should I do?" The sister said, " don't let him leave the room, I have to call my mother and tell her we've found him! " Needless to say, there were many tears of joy that day . . .
    fallen saint, Joan J, AidanK and 16 others like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

  14. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Wonderful story Katfalls, thank you!

    I will share one as well that is a little bittersweet. I grew up having never met my father or his family. At the age of 18 the Salvation army found him and he agreed to a meeting. I met him but I had buried a lot of anger inside me as a young man and things didn't go very well because of my lack of forgiveness or understanding. He disappeared again, moved, and to be honest I was relieved.
    Fast forward 10 years. I was married and we were expecting our first child. I had a heavy heart that none of my children would meet him or know anyone else from my fathers side of the family. I prayed about it one morning and I asked God if it was His will if he would bring us back together. I went off to work.
    I came home that same day from work and the phone was ringing as I entered through the front door. My wife answered it and had this funny look on her face. She said, Honey, it's your dad. I was speechless but my heart leapt. In spite of everything I had let go of the anger and I was glad to speak with him again and try to make amends.
    Sadly, it turned out that he had cancer. He died a short time later and I was the only family he had. I was sad that my children would never come to know him or he them but I was glad that we had the time he had left to get to know one another a little before his passing. I hope that I was a comfort to him. He struggled very much in this life and endured a lot of hardships.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    This is very poignant Don. How good God is to have brought him back into your life even for that brief time. I'm sure it comforted your father to be able to talk with you.
  16. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    I hope so. It comforted me greatly to have an opportunity to make amends to him.
  17. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Beautiful story Katfalls.
  18. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Wow Don, it was no coincidence that your dad called you that day. What a blessing.
  19. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Well at least you can have peace about that and know you gave him the comfort he needed at the end. That's something to be grateful about.
  20. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    I have one more that I would like to share. One of the parishes I attended years ago had a wonderful Polish Priest, Father Rokoczy. He also has a brother who is a Priest in the Detroit area. His favorite Mothers Day homily, another true story. When his father's family was emigrating from Poland to the United States they were trying to make their way through Europe. There was a large group of them and on the journey was a Holy Day of Obligation. The grandmother insisted that they stop for Mass and everyone was despairing because they had so many travel connections to make. But they did stop for Mass. And to their dismay when they got to the port to leave they missed their boat. It was the Titanic. And that family produced two wonderful Priests . . .
    Patty, fallen saint, AidanK and 11 others like this.

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