President Trump

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by garabandal, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. Catholic League Decries ‘Soros-Funded Attack on Cardinal Dolan’

    Catholic League President Bill Donohue has denounced an attack that Democrats, following a George Soros-funded activist’s lead, have waged against Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

    “Catholic malcontents, who are infinitely more concerned about the weather than the intentional killing of innocent children, are upset that Cardinal Timothy Dolan was gracious in his recent remarks about President Trump. They are an embarrassent,” notesDr. Donohue in his May 1 statement, according to a Catholic League article entitled “Soros-Funded Attack on Cardinal Dolan.”

    Donohue was referring to an online letter a Soros-funded group, Faith in Public Life, posted Friday. The letter censured Cardinal Dolan and other bishops for engaging in a phone call last Saturday with President Trump, insisting that the president is “not pro-life.”

    “Instead of challenging Trump’s cruelty toward immigrants, denial of climate change and racism, Cardinal Dolan praised the president,” the letter declared. “He even joked he talked to Trump more than his own mother.”

    Donohue observes that the first person listed as a critic of the New York archbishop in a recent Crux article is John Gehring, who is “funded by the atheist billionaire George Soros.”

    “If I were on their side, I would not be so stupid as to flag a guy who owes his livelihood to an anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic bigot. But I am so happy they did,” Donohue concludes.

    John Gehring is the former communications director at Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, a group John Podesta, the former campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton, created.

    Thanks to the 2012 release of leaked emails from Mr. Podesta, there is confirmation that he personally helped to launch Alliance for the Common Good to infiltrate the Catholic church in an attempt to instigate a liberal revolt against the U.S. bishops.

    The most damning of the emails is a 2012 exchange between Podesta and left-wing activist Sanford Newman, president of Voices for Progress, bearing the subject line “opening for a Catholic Spring?”

    The emails reveal that Newman conspired with Podesta to create a “Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic Church.”

    Podesta responded to the proposal by claiming he had already created two Catholic front groups for this very purpose: “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this,” he said. “Likewise Catholics United.”

    One of the ploys of Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good was to try to convince the bishops to downplay the importance of the abortion issue in favor of a broader, watered-down commitment to “life,” including everything from unemployment to climate change to healthcare. This would allow Catholics to support the Democrat Party despite its arrant commitment to abortion-on-demand, which the Catholic church considers to be murder.

    In a 2009 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Anne Hendershott noted that drawing upon support within Catholic community agencies is a strategy that worked well for Barack Obama when he was running for president. The article explicitly mentions the two “fake Catholic” groups John Podesta founded.

    “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United tried to neutralize the abortion issue during the campaign by suggesting that Mr. Obama’s proposals on ‘social justice’ issues like poverty were the way to reduce abortion rates without restricting abortion rights,” the article stated.

    Relying on this same strategy, the letter that Faith in Public Life posted Friday accuses Mr. Trump of not being pro-life, despite his overt support for the pro-life movement and his naming of pro-life judges both to U.S. district courts and the Supreme Court.
  2. Irishguy2

    Irishguy2 Guest

    Trump show is a farce comedy gold which had me laughing at times

    Also he told lies during last 2 months regarding Corona virus. It made me wonder is he a idiot or showing little signs of dementia or what is it?

    He came across bit nasty and rude at times but that's his prerogative. Europe looking at trump live shows as comedy shows.

    One thing came across me is that he promoted his own interests business interests or otherwise, before America.

    Don't think he would be re elected next November on the basis of thousands of deaths on his watch.
  3. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    You're seeing Trump through the media filter. Actions speak louder than words. I don't pay much attention to what President Trump says, but I'm quite impressed by what he does. I'm glad, however, to hear that he makes no effort to be 'nice'. I think those who would be his voting base are not so stupid as to blame him for deaths caused by a Red Chinese virus. He handled the situation skilfully, to the degree that several very prominent Democrat Governors had no option but to acknowledge it. As for his 'touchy-feely' opponent, Biden hardly knows his own name. Americans will be well aware that a vote for Biden will be for someone not of their choosing.
    Sunnyveil, Tanker, Sam and 8 others like this.
  4. AED

    AED Powers

    Well spoken.
    Sam, Jo M, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.
  5. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Yes very well spoken, DeGualle!
    Jo M, HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  6. Irishguy2

    Irishguy2 Guest

    I'm not an American as I'm European. I see quite differently from the Americans on Trump.

    Saw trump on live TV coming from the papers with links. It was brilliant to see what's trump is like, also his scattergun approach plus not recognising people that he knew such as director of national intelligence. If I was an American I would be very concerned re Trump.

    Like I said re see differently on other side of Atlantic, I think Trump was somewhat corrupt given his links with Epistein. He promoted his business interests ahead before America interests given his history of bankruptcies.

    Also he told lies as there is a list of his lies which doesn't tally with fact check. He isn't well up to his brief at times other times he does well. Trump is a divisive figure as he encouraged violence thru his rallies.

    His shows is a comedy show for us here as it was laughable at times re disinfect and uv light so on. The Europeans find him hilarious sometimes comical re hands and comments. Lot of us watch him live instead of our prime minister live . That tell you more about wewatch and think about him.

    American politics re Biden and trump not my scene cos I'm not an American. I would have preferred Obama, Warren, sanders but not Clinton.
  7. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Wait, I thought you were Irish? Which is it? Irishguy2 or Europeanguy2? :)
    Katfalls, Jo M, sunburst and 3 others like this.
  8. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    I'm neither an American, nor a European. I'm an Irishman. What is now known as 'Europe' is a political organisation dominated by ex-imperial powers. Like Greece, we've already been economically raped by the Germans, who forced both countries to bail her out of her own mistakes. Then the Irish thank Merkel for robbing them.

    As for this part of the world, we have been far less effected by the rule of Donald Trump than any other since Ronald Reagan. If you stopped swallowing the constant media refrain, you might stop to realise that there have been no new wars or failed states in the last few years, something which is quite a change.

    The idea that he encouraged violence is merely a bare-faced lie, propagated by a media that has constantly promoted lies against him since before he was elected. I'd go so far as to say that you don't know Trump at all, only the version you read and hear about in the mainstream media or from others who are suffering from the same group-think. Almost everyone in Ireland seems to believe what they encounter in the media. That is one very big reason that we are where we are.

    Trump certainly is divisive. Anyone who opposes the liberal, secular grand narrative is going to be strongly opposed and this necessitates division. The same venom is directed, albeit on a smaller scale, against people like Le Pen and Salvini. Our own media only mock people like Mattie McGrath and the Healy-Raes, but would greatly up the ante if there was any possibility they might achieve serious power. The only way for a politician not to be divisive is to come 'on-side'. Trump would become a hero for the liberals if he turned around and said he was going to promote abortion. That alone would be sufficient.

    As for Obama, Warren and Sanders...well, we all know of many Irish people who are keen to get Green Cards and the like. How many do you know about proclaiming their intention to move to Venezuela or Cuba? No Catholic can support a communist nor an abortionist.
    Last edited: May 3, 2020
    Byron, Sunnyveil, Tanker and 8 others like this.
  9. AED

    AED Powers

    Bravo DeGaulle. Clear eyed analysis. You speak truth.
    Tanker, Sam, Katfalls and 4 others like this.
  10. Well, this is the first time that a "scatter gun" approach results in stopping wars, bringing home troops, refusing to be baited into the usual Globalist/military industrial complex's endless wars and deaths of the innocent, while the naive actually believe that Trump's predecessor's sweet facade DIDN'T promote, enable, fund world terrorism via the infiltration of radical muslims into controlling places of our govt (and world's), by presenting entire regions and training for ISIS and Muslim Brotherhood. To these naive I would also like to interest them in a certain bridge for sale. And if Mr. Obama's planned follow-up via Ms. Clinton had taken place the world would be at war now and bereft of any courageous world leader of any power who would fight for the innocent and those so burdened by the globalist plan of population control. Whole populations would be bankrupt while the elitist Commies/NWO cabal serving Satan would make the rules, grab the filthy lucre, and place populations in servitude. There would be no defense of the given rights and freedoms due to individual citizens like freedom of religion in the market place, challenges, monetarily, to the killing complexes such as Planned Parenthood, calling countries back to God, knowing any true governor of power only gets his/her right to do so from God. Trump is a gift for these times but people must recognize this soon or they will commit their intended suicide. His face is set like flint against all of the challenges from the corrupt agencies of govt. whose intentions are now finally being exposed for the criminals, national and international, they are and have been. If his personal idiosyncrasies while fighting against such powers don't suit or offend the corrupted and brainwashed snowflakes of the world then too bad for they too, in the long run, would also benefit from what President Trump is intending for all.

    Rather, too, President Trump takes no salary, donates it to good causes, and his companies have lost much due to his hiatus to save the country from its destroyers, unlike the grifting members of his opposition, enriching themselves by selling their positions' influence.....i.e. Clinton and Biden crime families....on the backs of the taxpayers, innocent lives of babies, the population controllers (Gates/Fauci et al) and the victims of natural disasters, like the poor Haitians.

    The EU leaders have felt the effect of his leadership of not being able any longer to squelch on their dues to the free world's safety or continue to suck off of the U.S. middle class as they continue their unfair trade practices and robbery of the intellectual discoveries of the U.S. They are being exposed for the Socialist/Communist leadership that has and is battling against the freedoms of their own citizens, victims of their open border policies that allow terrorist activity and control of neighborhoods. Those leaders of newly freed countries from Communist rule see great hope and leadership in our President as they fight against the EU's open border policy while they stand first for their own citizens' rights and the rule of their laws while they feel the attacks of the EU unelected controllers. It's more like those former allies are waking least their citizens are except for the now completely brainwashed by forced propaganda of decades......and are actually jealous of such leadership by our President and have joined the "destroy Trump" brigade so that their former errors won't be further exposed to the world.
  11. Mark1

    Mark1 Archangels

    ...well put. I wanted a president who defended religious liberty, was pro-life, who could untangle decades of overregulation and wasteful bureaucracy, who spoke like a regular guy you meet in a barbershop, who didn't like doing things in the long, drawn out Washington way, who stood up to a media that has been left leaning and arrogant for decades, who stood up to the slanderous, personal, over the top attacks from the current crop of democrats in Congress, who got the economy back on track even after being told by Obama and the media that certain jobs were not coming back, who tried to even the playing field with countries who have taken advantage of us for years, who would keep immigration legal, but make sure it's orderly and not with people sneaking in all over the place, and who isn't politically correct. Trump is that guy. He tweets because it's the only way he can get his message directly to the people, because the media distorts every word and puts their own angle on it. All the left stands for is shut down, shout down, silence, boycott and demonize any opposing views, abortion not only up to birth, but even after a human being is born alive from a botched abortion, they stand for taking guns away from everyone based on their "own" though we live in a utopia where there are no rapes, home invasions, robberies, muggings, gang related crime and on and though those who on the receiving end of such tragedies are just statistics they can lament over in front of the TV camera. They stand for legalizing drugs, taking God out of the public arena (see the ACLU, and many comments from democrats in Congress and even the courts who believe Catholic beliefs have no place in public discourse), gay rights overruling over religious ones, and taking away school choice and even in many cases ending or regulating home schooling. They support open borders because they certainly haven't done anything about the countless people who cross our border illegally, other than attack anyone who believes we have to have some sort of common sense rules about who, how and when people can enter. They have willing accomplices in the media, and both groups are just plain arrogant and love power and telling others what to do. They cry fascism, racism, and bigotry of every kind every other second, yet refuse to see it in themselves. And they believe everyone accused is guilty until proven innocent, unless it hurts them politically. So...does that mean the GOP or even Trump is perfect? Nope. But Trump is all that's standing between us and a country run by left wing activists, those who champion the status quo, and political cronies from both parties. If anyone only gets their news from the so-called mainstream media only, they are getting spoon fed news, or often not even being told news, all of which portrays events, people and topics in a certain light, and comes from a left leaning ideology. The recent political attempts at undoing Trump's election are diabolical, if you know the facts, the players and who really did what, when. The media presented things as facts for discussion, when they weren't facts at all, but opinions. People like Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters claimed to have absolute proof of Trump colluding with Russia, and nothing...nothing turned up. And further, they played fast and loose with what the law really says, and the willing media rarely questioned them. I could go on, and really didn't even plan on going on this long. Scary times.
    Andy3, Byron, Tanker and 9 others like this.
  12. AED

    AED Powers

    Sam, DeGaulle, Mary's child and 3 others like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Thank you, DeGaulle and Mark1
  14. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    The main stream media is not 'news' . . .it is political commentary with a one sided view. It is mean, hateful, and decisive. We have not had real news for a long time, we have agendas. Our president Trump is not a polished politician or lawyer. He is a business man who believes in the principals of our country. He is fighting for our country, fighting for our beliefs. He is the first pro life president who is actually pro life. He humbled himself to go to N. Korea to put a stop to a potential nuclear war. HE WENT. And the rhetoric of war was stopped. Did you notice that???? I don't care what he says about the libs, he gets the job done with more garbage thrown at him than most people could handle. He is smart. He will get my vote any day.
    Carol55, Byron, SgCatholic and 7 others like this.
  15. AED

    AED Powers

    Preach it!!! I agree completely.
  16. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Spot on all counts, DeGualle and Mark1!!!(y)
    HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  17. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    He removed Kim Jung Un's status with a word...'Rocketman'!
  18. Byron, Sunnyveil, SgCatholic and 5 others like this.
  19. Mike Pompeo


    "Be sure of this: the wicked will not go unpunished, but the descendants of the righteous will go free." Proverbs 11:21
    Tanker, Mary's child and DeGaulle like this.
  20. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    This and the contained quotation: two tours-de-force.

    For myself, I would like to give credit where it's due. I became an admirer of Donald Trump from the very beginning of his campaign for the Presidency of the United States through the reporting of the greatest reporter on the planet, Mark Stein, whom I believe was the first credible onlooker to predict Donald Trump to be the next President-way back in 2015. It was Mr Trump's utter derision for political correctness that attracted me to him. It simply ran off him without any effect, even bounced off him to rebound on the pathetic perpetrators.

    I remember Trump destroyed the rest of the prospective field with consummate ease because they were men (and a woman) of straw. Bar one-Ted Cruz, who was a very credible candidate. For him, Trump necessarily became a ruthless streetfighter and proved that Cruz would have had no chance against the Clinton machine. Apart from his policies and actions (a rare politician who believes in implementing his programme-but, as mentioned, he's not a politician), I admire this underdog who manages to survive against ridiculous odds.

    P.S. : Mark Stein wrote a column for the Irish Times very many years ago. I was more naive back then, but remember his columns as being very readable and interesting-providing a view of events that didn't quite gel with the opinions of the regular Irish Times journalists. Of course, he wouldn't be entertained for a moment by the modern Irish Times.

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