Announcing (my) New YouTube Channel for Ireland and the Faith

Discussion in 'Ireland' started by Roger Buck, Jun 3, 2017.

  1. Roger Buck

    Roger Buck Angels

    I hope no-one will mind my posting here details of a new YouTube Channel I've begun for both the Faith and Ireland.

    (I say that as I have not been active here lately, which I regret. For despite my silence, I am thrilled this forum exists and in the Irish subfora particularly I have been really blessed . . . often seeing things about the Irish, including their piety and spiritual insight, that I don't see so easily expressed on other forums. So I am honestly touched by you and do mean to say more. Just too many "balls in the air" ...)

    Anyway, I'm posting my first video here. (A second one is now out too, but the first one has more about Ireland. And I hope to be saying more about Ireland in upcoming videos.)

    DesertStar7, Booklady, gracia and 7 others like this.
  2. Pray4peace

    Pray4peace Ave Maria

    Thank you for sharing Roger. Our Church benefits greatly from people like yourself who obviously have a great love for our faith and who also have a willingness to share it with others.

    May God bless your efforts!
    gracia, Carol55 and Roger Buck like this.
  3. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Roger, I just watched your video which I find so very interesting. Today I attended traditional Latin Mass at Sacred Heart Church in Limerick. I didn't have a missile so I followed as best I could. Nevertheless the grace in the church was palpable. Subsequently I went to a novus ordo Mass celebrated very devoutly by a holy priest. Yes I agree the mystery has been eclipsed in the new mass.
    I am very disappointed in my country at the moment because of the turning of our backs on God's laws with the passing of 'gay' marriage. And now an active homosexual as leader of our country. We are a source of scandal to the world. I am heartbroken.
    gracia, Praetorian, sunburst and 6 others like this.
  4. sponsa Christi

    sponsa Christi Sponsa Christi Desire of Baptism to be Catholic

    I am sponsa Christi on YouTube I make some music videos, I also have playlist of movies and apolegitics and wonderful channel recommendations.
  5. Mario

    Mario Powers

    I enjoyed your video very much, Roger! Nice meeting you and experiencing your conviction! By the way, our family and home have been consecrated to the Two Hearts!:)

    Safe in the Hearts of Jesus and Mary!
    David Healy, Carol55 and Roger Buck like this.
  6. Roger Buck

    Roger Buck Angels

    Many, many thanks to you all for this warmth and kindness. Right now, I won't say much - only a uick response to you, Maryrose

    It is heartbreaking. You remember such a different Ireland, maryrose. But paradoxically I am with more hope in recent months for reasons I will try to say more of.

    And yes, although the New Mass can be celebrated very beautifully I do think the Old Mass has an important part to play in restoring the Faith in Ireland. I watched it at work whilst I lived in France and there are Latin Masses everywhere there by comparison to here.

    Someone once told me that in that huge country (compared to Ireland), one never had to drive more than 45 minutes to get to a TLM. And I don't think that is unrelated to the fact that France now has a staunch resistance to the heartbreaking things you describe - MASSIVE protests against gay "marriage" that would be unthinkable in Ireland.

    So I don't want to knock the new Mass that can be celebrated very beautifully by devout priests. But I really have come to believe that traditional Catholic communities as in France play a real role in the resistance to secularism.

    I pray the same will arise in Ireland.

    Again, thank you to everyone and more I hope to say ...
    Mario, sunburst and AED like this.
  7. Sanctus

    Sanctus "Jesus I trust in you!"

    That is true Maryrose, but at least Our Lady said we are now at a turning point in her latest message.
    Don_D likes this.
  8. Sanctus

    Sanctus "Jesus I trust in you!"

    That is if a turning point means that things will change for the better in time, even though they might get worse first...
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2017
    Don_D likes this.
  9. Roger Buck

    Roger Buck Angels

    I would be interested to know about that latest message about a turning point. (I am interested in Medjugorge, but am neither a sceptic, nor a believer. I know people, including someone very precious to me, who was helped ENORMOUSLY by going there - but I still don't know what to make of all the conflicting things I hear.

    Anyway, I am going to post another video here. This one isn't directly about Ireland, but indirectly I think it very much is, concerned as it is with gay "marriage" and liberalism and how liberalism came about. I'm trying that liberalism - in Ireland, as everywhere - isn't liberal!

  10. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    The conflicting things you hear about Medjugorje is quite simple. Where Mary is the devil will be there to sow confusion in those lacking faith, just as he was where Jesus trodden. All one has to do is look at the fruits of conversion, especially the hundreds who have become priests through visiting this place of grace.
  11. Roger Buck

    Roger Buck Angels

    Yes, Fatima, your point about fruits is well-taken. There do seem to be undeniable fruits, it seems to me.
  12. Roger Buck

    Roger Buck Angels

    Will just say I have another video, which is my personal favourite so far and a bit different from my first ones, very personal about my life, even a bit embarrassingly so. Also has some pictures, photos in it, etc.

    It's mainly about the Sacred Heart, but there's some bits about Ireland too ...

  13. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    If you are still out there Roger, how about a bit of publicity for the Consecration of the 8th amendment to Immaculate Heart of Mary for Ireland. Spread the good news and all that. (y)
    Roger Buck and Carol55 like this.
  14. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Oh Mary Rose, I just spotted your amazing traditional Latin Mass and the missing missile. That would have been one serious take off and landing, if you had one of those missiles. :love:
    AED and maryrose like this.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
    Roger Buck, gracia, Carol55 and 2 others like this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Would it be such a terrible, terrible thing to go back to how padre pio said the mass?

  17. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    I believe it would be the most wonderful, wonderful thing!
  18. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    At one point, were they kneeling on the floor to say grace?
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I am not sure if it was grace or if they were praying to the Cross at the head of the refectory. I love these little liturgies.
  20. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    Cheeky, Julia ;)

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