God Save Eric McDonald

Discussion in 'Prayer requests' started by Alfred Brown, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Alfred Brown

    Alfred Brown New Member

    Prayer Request:

    Please pray for Eric McDonald.
    Pray for his conversion to true faith in Jesus Christ…
    May The Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy upon Eric McDonald and save his soul..

    "Pray for Eric McDonald-
    Pray for his salvation…
    St Michael, pray for us
    "Abba Father, I ask you to send St Michael to rescue Eric McDonald and help him to know and love Jesus Christ..Amen
    Jesus, Mary I love you Save Souls
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on Eric McDonald
    Immaculate Heart of Mary- pray for Eric McDonald
    Jesus, Mary I love you Save Souls
    St Michael, The Archangel, pray for Eric McDonald
    All you Holy Angels and Saints, Pray for Eric McDonald”
    AED and CrewDog like this.
  2. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    I will pray with you for Eric.
    You are never alone when you reach out to fellow Catholics here. God bless you and comfort you also.
    maryrose, AED and Byron like this.
  3. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Praying for Eric.
    AED likes this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Praying for Eric. Tonight, let us know..:)

    AED likes this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

  6. Mario

    Mario Powers

    St. Therese,

    Pray for Eric in the simplicity of your faith; bring him to a profound love of the Eucharist, Lord.

    Safe in the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart!
  7. Alfred Brown

    Alfred Brown New Member

    Thank You for your kindness. I am very Thankful that you are remembering my friend Eric McDonald.It is good to know that he is in your prayers…Pray God’s love and mercy will be revealed to Eric and that The Holy Spirit will draw Eric to Jesus where at the foot of The Cross Eric will see God’s great love for him.
    Our Lady of Fatima tells us to pray for the conversion of poor sinners.
    Please keep Eric in your prayers.
    I worry about Eric because I have lost touch with him.I do not know where he is nor how he may be.
    Pray that God will give me peace about Eric.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Conversion, the greatest of all miracles. The fact that you pray for him must bring great peace and healing.

    More prayers, he is blessed to have a friend like you.
  9. Tanker

    Tanker Powers

    Offering a rosary for Eric!

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