The Vatican Has Fallen

Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by padraig, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Hold on to what, Mary? The barque? Where is it? The crew have abandoned ship, there's no sign of land, and the water is up to our chins.
    maryrose likes this.
  2. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    I'm holding onto the mantle of our mother Mary, this is her battle, where she goes, I will follow. Thank God we know the end of the story.
  3. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    We know the end of the story but we don't know which chapter we're reading/living through. Our Lady is unlikely to appear to me and I don't get locutions. So, how will I know where goes Our Lady?
    AED and Dean like this.
  4. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  5. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Rest easy Delours, she doesn't appear to me either,:) I am putting my trust in her triumph and following her into the thick of this war knowing that there is an end. The Pope made his move blindly cus Mary holds the winning ticket. (y)(y)(y)
  6. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Thanks Mary. I'll be keeping a close eye on you because right now I can hear my late mother's voice ringing in my ears "you don't know your own mind from one day to the next".
  7. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    This is what I have been concerned about when considering PF's refusal to answer the dubia, and the looming formal correction.
    How do we stay within the barque of Peter if/when there is a split?
    AED, Mario, gracia and 2 others like this.
  8. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    That is the Chastisement!
    AED likes this.
  9. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    I don't know if 'liking' is the appropriate response to these posts, but consider them a 'thank you' for what seems a confirmation of our worst fears from a reputable source.

    We are in great difficulty when the liberals of the Church are finding the man they elected going too far and being beyond their control. On the other hand, if this is the case, it may have the effect of uniting some of them with the orthodox side and foster a counter-reaction. The only effective course now seems to be a clear contradiction of the Pope by a majority of the Cardinals. The liberals might come on board, not because of any inherent virtue on their part, but for fear of loss of power and privilege on their part in the event of an unpredictable chaotic schism.

    We faithful Catholics on the sidelines must keep our heads, think carefully and pray.

    I read in David Warren this morning that we have an event of a very full moon at this beginning of Advent, apparently thirty thousand miles nearer than was the case last June. As Warren says, 'heavens and the earth seem briefly in alignment'. Let us not forget that this may be a sign that she who stands with the moon at her feet may be now very near. Also, we must remember that these moments are also associated with an increase in earthly lunacy.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
  10. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    This is the ultimate question.

    We must remember that the papacy is not the personal kingdom of any one pope, but a position handed down in trust from one to another through generations. If hundreds of popes say one thing, united with Christ, and one (or even a handful) say the opposite, one is obviously being loyal to the papacy by aligning with the former group. Wherever the Catholic Church is, so is that papacy. The only way Pope Francis (and I refrain from labelling him by his surname only because of respect for this venerable papacy going back to Peter) can eliminate all these other popes from the papacy is by breaking with the Church and himself going into schism. He cannot disavow the Church Triumphant and, no matter what he says or does, I cannot see how faithful Catholics can be censured for remaining, even if privately, in her bosom. Nor does this privacy imply 'private judgement'-on the contrary, it is remaining with the great portion of the Church through the ages. Pope Francis said it himself-time is more important than space. It is more prudent to be aligned through time with Our Lord, St. Peter, Pope Gregory, Pope Pius V, Pope Pius X, Pope Leo XIII, Pope John Paul II than through space with the present man in the Vatican.
    Light, HeavenlyHosts, Carol55 and 4 others like this.
  11. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    We trust in God that he will sustain his Church. If one believes in prophecy starting with Fatima, which Lucia said she had the impression it was the Holy Father, "a bishop in white passing through a big city in ruins - killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions”, then one must understand that God will not be mocked. God will allow the destruction of the Vatican and its headship that is attempting to dismantle his teachings, before he lets heresy to infect the whole world of believers. It seems clear to me that this is indeed very close now. Very close. But, Fatima seers are not the only ones saying as much. Read any of Pedro Regis messages from the most current ones to the ones in months past and you will see heaven is warning us to "Accept the Gospel of My Jesus and remain faithful to the True Magisterium of His Church".
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2017
    Light, gracia, Booklady and 2 others like this.
  12. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

  13. SgCatholic

    SgCatholic Guest

    When do you see the Warning occurring in this picture?
  14. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I see global nuclear war, global economic collapse and the collapse of governments and the Vatican at any moment now. Could be days, weeks or months, but I dare say it won't be years now. The rhetoric of nuclear war has never be as elevated as it is today and the apostasy within the church has never been as elevated as it is today. These are the signs scripture points us to. After this (when things are at their worst) the Warning comes.
    David Healy, Light, josephite and 3 others like this.
  15. At this point does anyone even listen to this anymore....except maybe the Commies and Muslim countries already bent on taking out whomever they can, and hoping the "righteous" West is the only one being called out...again?

    Pope Francis Calls Nuclear-Arms Race Irrational and Immoral
    Pontiff expresses his ’firm opinion’ that nuclear arsenals must not be allowed to grow larger

    Two previous popes, St. John XXIII and St. John Paul II, taught that a state’s possession of nuclear arms could be justified to deter attacks by another power, but only as temporary measures toward the goal of abolishing nuclear weapons.

    But, at a Vatican conference on nuclear disarmament last month, Pope Francis seemed to close off that justification.

    The pope stressed on Saturday that he wasn’t pronouncing official church teaching but expressing his “firm opinion” that nuclear arsenals must not be allowed to grow larger.

    (Well, at least here he's clearer about what is personal opinion vs "official church teaching")
    Light and DeGaulle like this.
  16. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Couldn't you wait Pope Francis? I mean you had no response for well over a year for some sort of clarity,...but you choose now? Just a couple weeks before we celebrate the birth of Our Lord! Geesh couldn't you have waited until after Christmas?:(
    Carol55 and Mary's child like this.
  17. Mario

    Mario Powers

    And did you also realize, DeGaulle, that this phenomenon of a super moon is also going to occur on Jan. 1st and January 31st, and that the final of the three will occur during a total lunar eclipse!

    Very interesting!

    Safe in the Refuge of the Immaculate Heart!
  18. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    Thank you, Mario, I did not realise that. This triple event, itself most unlikely, is therefore further reinforced by another most symbolic cosmic event at a most timely hour. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us all.

    [Of course, the dark side of these events may imply a magnification of earthly lunacy, if that is possible].
  19. DeGaulle

    DeGaulle Powers

    If the family is the target, the most appropriate time to strike is Christmas. I hope my suspicions are wrong and I feel most uncomfortable having them, but when things look like, quack like and walk like a duck...
    Carol55 and Mary's child like this.
  20. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    I am not sure about the alleged messages to Ned Daugherty that were just posted on another thread, but they speak loudly to Satan's attacks on the Church during this Advent season. Wait, watch and pray for Holy Mother Church.
    DeGaulle and Don_D like this.

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