Swapping the Nativity for the devil!?

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by lamp, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. lamp

    lamp Guest

    In terrified I'm living in the west. What happens in America eventually happens everywhere else.
    This really shocked me.


    However, I'm filled with admiration for the "Catholic warrior". Would I have the courage she had and refuse to abide by a senseless law?

    Mark my words: Atheist Ireland will, some day, attempt this here.
    It definitely will happen.
    It's just a matter of time.
    They've already succeeded in removing crosses from Glasnevin cemetery.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    God bless her for tearing it down. I hope I would have done the same. Where is 'Free speech' in the bible?
    Thomas, Miriam, IXOYE4me and 3 others like this.
  3. little me

    little me Archangels

    No question, I would've taken it down. But I would "accidently" trip and fall into the display and then flail around to destroy it as though I was trying to get up. LOL!

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