Faith and hope

Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by Mark Dohle, Jun 12, 2017.

  1. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    Faith and hope

    Faith and doubt,
    to believe or not,
    are choices Lord that we all make,
    to trust or not, we choose,
    it is our burden it seems,
    each day on some level we turn,
    we leave behind what we don’t desire or love,
    a small seed that slowly takes root
    becoming ever larger defining our world.

    Lord, how vast is reality?
    I feel that I live in a small box,
    that the universe itself
    as massive as it seems,
    it is a mere dot before all that is,
    before infinity.

    Lord you came into this world,
    a revelation of what always was,
    of the Infinite love of something beyond all thought,
    yet shown to us as ‘Father’,

    Mind boggling, soul shattering,
    that love infinite is the basis of reality,

    No wonder many do not believe,
    I struggle beloved with such a revelation,
    I can’t begin to understand,
    yet my faith is both a choice and a grace,
    both entwined like the Trinity,
    one, yet different,
    like mind, body, and spirit.

    Mario likes this.
  2. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Thank you, Mark. You've done well: God's love is mind boggling! It is so generous and desirable; yet love necessarily is relational- a two-way street. Though I can't begin to understand it, the essential step is to surrender and embrace it, so as to share it.

    Why then, does this love of God and his accompanying mercy become so easily translated into: free license to do as I please. That is a terrible distortion, no longer a two-way street, no longer a seeking to bring joy to the Other, but only an excuse for selfishness.. :(

    Safe in the Flames of the Sacred Heart!
  3. Mark Dohle

    Mark Dohle Powers

    The saying, "Love and do what you will", can be misused. If we love we will not take advantage of others, hurt them cheat them, or hurt ourselves as well. We are either free to love God and others or free to do the opposite, we grow in one direction or the other.

    Mario likes this.

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