Charlie & Mark in Louisiana--soooo good!!

Discussion in 'Books, movies, links, websites.' started by mothersuperior7, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. Wish I could have gone!! What a great video!!
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I was wndering, watching the p[hotos if Charlie enjoys all this travelling? It must be hard on him, given his age and health, yet he always looks so happy.:)

    As for Mark, with such a large family to find the time, its inspirational.
  3. They really say a lot about what is going on and what is coming. Jesus, I trust in you!!
    Booklady, Beth B and Charlie Johnston like this.
  4. Bernadette

    Bernadette Archangels

    I just went to his meeting in Lake Charles and I can tell you that I think it's the people that he encounters that probably give him the strength to overcome a lot of the pain he suffers from. BTW I met some of the most devoted and wonderful people in Louisiana. It's truly a blessed state with a lot of faith.

    God Bless!
  5. Charlie Johnston

    Charlie Johnston Archangels

    Padraig, my friend, I AM happy. Yes, the travel is exhausting - and I have to make sure I can sleep in after a presentation. It takes its toll. But what an incredible privilege I have been living since the beginning of this summer: I get to witness, to touch, the beating heart of the faithful across this great land, united in their love for God and their resolve to show it through love of their neighbor. You can have no idea how it inspires me.

    Sometimes I think, going to a presentation or a dinner, that I am just not going to get through this one...then I see the light of hope rise up in a few eyes and suddenly I am as transformed as they are. I am filled with joy and intensity - and thanks be to God, it seems to spread to all. At about two out of three meetings, people come up to me afterwards to apologize - telling me they were coming to challenge or denounce me for spreading fear...they apologize because they had just heard of me...not actually listened to or read me for themselves...and tell me they came to a great sense of peace and determination to truly be a sign of hope to those around them. The young people are amazing...I get a lot of teenagers and 20-somethings that are bubbling over with joy, delighted that life DOES have meaning and that God does have work for them. I will never forget sublime look of joy and peace on a 15-year-old girl who told me, with wonder, that "No one has ever talked to me about Jesus like you do."

    So you are right on both counts, Padraig. It is physically demanding and deeply fatiguing....but it is even more joyful than my pilgrimage was. I am profoundly blessed by the Lord, to be able to watch - and maybe even help ignite - His people to dedicate themselves to living His work by actively caring for each other. Over my years in politics and media, I watched the social fabric decay and tatter...and now late in life, God is letting me see that social fabric begin to knit itself together again through faith and love. I see the beginning of the fulfillment the promises God told me of so long ago in His people being brought back to Him in safety and love...and great is the Lord. I always pray a few lines from the Magnificat after Mass - and that my soul, in its little way may magnify the Lord. The Lord is true in all His ways...and to see the light rising with new joy and intensity in His people as I travel this country is a great joy and inspiration to me. Thank you to all for your faith and fidelity.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Yes, I think there are certain times we know we are born for.

    For most of us these times are round the corner. But for you CharlieJohnston they have already dawned.

    There is nothing so joyful as to do the WIll of God.
    Booklady, Beth B, little me and 6 others like this.

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