Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Rain, Dec 18, 2011.

  1. Rain

    Rain Powers

    If angels told you all that, then they're not archangels, they're fallen angels, but more likely the messages are a product of your own imagination. People, even those who are damned, do not become demons. The real virgin Mary wouldn't be so careless. Real demons are sly. They'd probably be more clever than to step into such an obvious theological blunder. That leaves one option--YOU are the source of these message. Please, get some kind of counseling.

  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I see you are in Belfast, Mabel

    I am afraid this is not of God.

    I don't want to act like a policeman and be throwing folks off the forum all the time so I'll just rest at saying this is something you need to pray over.
    Oh well you're in my prayers. I see like me you're from Blefast, if you ever feel the need to talk over this stuff my door and my heart is always open.



    Its not from God or off God, bless you. I don't want to cause hurt or pain to you but the simple truth's, the simple truth.
  3. Lee

    Lee Principalities

    Rain and Padraig I applaud your nipping this in the bud. Thank you.
  4. angelabelfast

    angelabelfast New Member

    what was the original message has it been deleted? i agree that doesnt seem genuine.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    I put arcangels off the forum and deleted all her messages, not for her posts but for her PM's. One of which assured me a certain member was going stright to hell:shock:
  6. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Hope it wasn't me - my pink skin burns with the mild Sun in Ireland - so goodness knows what I would be like in the oven of H--- :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Lee

    Lee Principalities

    Well it might have been me but I have to say it just made me laugh...kind of a sinister laugh at that!
  8. MomsCalling

    MomsCalling Principalities

    Oh, what did I miss here?

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