A miracle in Ohio attributed to Pope John Paul II

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by Rain, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. Rain

    Rain Powers

  2. twoangels

    twoangels New Member

    Deanna, thats the second one that I have heard of this week. The other one happened at St Peters Basilica in Rome on a pilgrimage to the grave of Pope John Paul II on the eve of the fourth anniversary. The child, a nine yr old boy who was crippled by a kidney tumour was able to walk again.
    After praying at the tomb the boy said "I want to walk". If investigations reveal that there are no scientific explanations for the childs recovery, the healing may be put forward as the miracle needed to declare John Paul II 'blessed'. A second miracle will be required to declare him a saint. By the way I've just googled your miracle and it was five weeks ago that it happened, so does this mean that the sufficient number of miracles have happened? Stunning stuff!
    I don't actually know how many miracles a person has to have atributed to them to make them a saint-is it only two?
    Enlighten me! : :D

  3. Rain

    Rain Powers

    JP II seems to be working overtime 8) . I already pray to him as if he's in been canonized, because even without the miracles, I'm pretty sure he's a saint.
  4. twoangels

    twoangels New Member

    I've always liked JPII. One of my favorites!


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