Does no one see the ebola threat

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by fallen saint, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    Yes, this is what both Jacinta and Franciso died of two years after Fatima messages. Our Lady of Fatima said they would not live long, but that Lucia would live on to spread the messages of Fatima.
  2. Child of God

    Child of God New Member

    In Atlanta, the 2 ebola patient's waste go into the regular sewage system. No other precautions are taken. "They" say the regular city water treatment plant is good enough to destroy ebola.
    What if there is a leak? What if rats in the sewer get ebola?
    Too many " what if's" if you ask me!!!
  3. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

  4. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    Finally someone telling the truth...70,000 people already quarantined in one african nation. And someone has finally stated, not all cases are being reported and the worst has not yet passed. :(

    May Gods Will be Done
  5. Eamonn

    Eamonn Guest


    Has no one noticed that there is a plague of Cheap Heroin swamping the streets of North America killing hundreds of kids and addicting thousands. This stuff is death by a thousand cuts it is pure evil.

    Has no one noticed that there is a plague of Obesity sweeping the Northern Hemisphere. In Britain the Government has said it will cost billions to the National Health Service on operations to fix the problem. When halve the world is starving we are getting elastic bands fitted to stop us being fat and greedy.

    Has anyone noticed the Plague of gun crime involving Kids sweeping America and how many innocent children are being ruthlessly torn away from there love ones. Your afraid to let your child go to school because they are not safe, your afraid to let your child go to the shop alone incase of perverts and drug dealers, there is a Plague of fear seeping into our Society and its not to hard to understand with all that is going on in the world.

    Has anyone noticed the a Plague of Suicide in our communities
    especially among kids of teenage years, in Belfast it is a near daily event that you look in the local paper and there is some family that you or the kids know where someone has died of suicide. Its heartbreaking to watch a family tearing itself apart looking for answers as to why there loved ones could not talk about the despair they were in at the time and blaming themselves for there death.

    Has anyone Notice the Plague of lost children who are addicted to computer games with Killing, Sex and Anger involved. Some people are quite content on not seeing there kids at the dinner table as it is easier to let them stay in there room, anything for a quiet life. Not knowing what sites they are watching and not checking to see who they are talking to. Even in their own bedrooms our kids are open to this Plague of abuse.If you love your kids pray hard because it looks a very unloving and a very unforgiving world out there just at the moment.
    Andy3 and Jeanne like this.
  6. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    Amen, Eamonn....these are the REAL plague.
  7. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    One more Eamonn:
    The Plague of Indifference of Parents to their pursuit of the McMansion and best car....we start with Child Care at infancy, nannies, before and after school programs. Our children feel our indifference to them and there will be hell to pay.
    Torrentum and Ang like this.
  8. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Padraig is right. This is about FEAR of the virus.

    The post above is the exact narrative that has been created to evoke the FEAR. Don't succumb to this mind control. I can see four or five stories in the news right now that are meant to evoke FEAR at this level and manipulate and prepare our collective minds for the next step.

    -Ferguson, MO

    Take ISIS for example. The main stream media (and even Drudge & Alex Jones) are tools that are being used to condition our minds. Someone, somewhere wants Americans and Western Europeans to fear ISIS on their homelands.

    -They shock us with gruesome (arguably staged) beheading videos
    -Then comes the mass executions of prisoners
    -Add in the kidnapping and raping.
    -Then insert ridiculous file photos like these:
    View attachment 2214
    (...these are most likely phony nerds in jungle camo costumes....)
    View attachment 2215
    (Smacks of that stupid file video they have shown countless times on US news. The one with "terrorists" in the dessert somewhere "running an obstacle course" preparing to kill YOU personally with their extreme ideology and their well-tuned physiques.... Who are they kidding? Completely bogus....)

    Then they add ridiculous hypothesis like these:
    -"Experts" say ISIS collaborating with Mexican drug cartels... (along the porous USA border)
    -"CIA" informant says ISIS "sleeper cells" crossed the Atlantic and are in the USA
    -Terror chatter is up ahead of 9-11
    -ISIS plans to bomb Las Vegas

    I don't believe ANY of it. Including the ebola hype.

    Things may occur.......but they will be engineered and created for FEAR and control.
    Andy3, MMM and Genuflect like this.
  9. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    You don't think ISIS is real? Are you kidding?
  10. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    Sorry, my statement was stated because the news is hiding the reality of ebola. Its not fear... its reality. I rather know the truth then be lied too. Currently, they are not giving us all the facts about ebola. The main fact is the only way to stop it is to isolate victims. Sorry to say...they have lost all control of virus. Am i afraid, not really, but governments can either be truthful or hide the facts. I hate to say but i think they are hiding the facts.

    Brother al
  11. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    They are real, and are evil, as a created and supported boogey man........ But not a worldwide military threat that should scare the world. I think they are allowed to be what they are for a purpose.

    However, if people aren't sufficiently scared (and duped by them), you can bet horrible things will happen as attributed to them to make sure people are scared.
    MMM likes this.
  12. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    They are not hiding the facts. They are hyping the facts. Ebola is real as well, but Padraig was right: FEAR of ebola seems to be the game going on here (and you are cheerleading like a good team player). Here's proof of my point from today's Drudge Report:

    View attachment 2218

    Aren't we all more scared of ebola now? Oh the HORROR!!!!!!
  13. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)


    You are just the opposite of say they make up lies to scare. I say they lie to hold back truth. No difference between me and you. Your scared of the man lying to scare you. Lets ask the nurses what they think. The big issue is health workers are dying...thats a big issue.

    But really its not that scary to me. But i just don't like the media lying. Give it to me straight and let me handle it. But Jon you are the typical david ickies conspiracy theorist. Just like the twin towers being built to be destroyed.

    Brother al
  14. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    Ebola is very scarey indeed. I think if it landed on US soil it would be more contained than what we see in Africa because they are a third world country and it is difficult to communicate to their public on precautions and containment. If this were to jump to respiratory means of transmission we will all be doomed. Most killer pandemics are respiratory in origin. I cough in my hands, touch the same door knob or food cart handle, walk away and several days later you are sick as a dog from contact with my respiratory secretions. They are invisible and potent.

    At this point Ebola mode of transmission seems to be through bodily fluids only.....which SHOULD slow down it's transmission. But viruses are opportunistic and look to re-engineer themselves in their hosts. Can they mutate? Yes they can. If this one does, it will be a plague of unseen proportions.
  15. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

  16. Thomas

    Thomas Angels

    Spot on! These are all insidious plagues that have infected and chew away at the fabric of our society, culture, faith. We are losing people every day to these things, yet there is no real examination as to their causes or what can be done to reverse them.

    Our culture has become one of despair and without hope. Collectively, we have turned away from God. We are living the consequences of that.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    The Ebola Virus is linked to a huge outbreak of Malaria.

    This cannot be an accident. I nearly dropped when I heard of this.
  18. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    Grim Ebola Prediction: Outbreak Is Unstoppable for Now, MD Says

    A doctor who just returned from treating Ebola patients in West Africa predicts the current Ebola outbreak will go on for more than a year, and will continue to spread unless a vaccine or other drugs that prevent or treat the disease are developed.

    Dr. Daniel Lucey, an expert on viral outbreaks and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Medical Center, recently spent three weeks in Sierra Leone, one of the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak. While there, Lucey evaluated and treated Ebola patients, and trained other doctors and nurses on how to use protective equipment.

    The current Ebola outbreak, which is mainly in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, has so far killed at least 1,552 of the more than 3,000 people infected, making it the largest and deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. It is also the first outbreak to spread from rural areas to cities. Strategies that have worked in the past to stop Ebola outbreaks in rural areas may not, by themselves, be enough to halt this outbreak, Lucey said.

    "I don't believe that our traditional methods of being able to control and stop outbreaks in rural areas … is going to be effective in most of the cities," Lucey said yesterday (Sept. 3) in a discussion held at Georgetown University Law Center that was streamed online. While the World Health Organization has released a plan to stop Ebola transmission within six to nine months, "I think that this outbreak is going to go on even longer than a year," Lucey said. [5 Things You Should Know About Ebola]

    In addition, without vaccines or drugs for Ebola, "I'm not confident we will be able to stop it," Lucey said. There are a few studies of Ebola treatments and prevention methods under way, but more research is needed to show whether they are safe and effective against the disease.

    One strategy that could help with the current outbreak is to implement public health "command centers" whose job it is to make sure that tools and equipment sent to the affected regions are properly distributed to places that need them, Lucey said.

    When Lucey was in Sierra Leone, protective equipmentfor health care workers made its way to the capital city, but not to the hospital where he was working, he said. "We did not have gloves that I felt safe with," Lucey said, noting that the gloves would tear easily. "We didn't have face shields. We had goggles that had been washed so many times you couldn't see through them," Lucey said.

    Another important factor in stemming the outbreak will be community engagement and education to help people in the region understand the behaviors that spread the disease, said Dr. Marty Cetron, director of Global Migration and Quarantine at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is also important to understand the culture of an area so that control strategies are culturally acceptable, Cetron said.

    This large Ebola outbreak could have been prevented with an effective public health response at the beginning, said Lawrence Gostin, director of the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University. But the weak health systems of the affected countries left them unprepared to respond to the outbreak, Gostin said.

    The international community should have been more generous in supporting poorer countries so they could develop the response capacities needed to contain the outbreak, Gostin and colleagues wrote in a recent briefing for the O'Neill Institute.

    To help with the current outbreak, and prevent future ones, Gostin called for the establishment of an international "health systems fund," which would be supported by high-resource countries. The money would be used to strengthen the health systems in those countries, he said.

    "We want to avoid leaving these countries in the same kind of fragile health condition" that they are in now, and that is being worsened, Gostin said.
  19. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

  20. Heidi

    Heidi Powers

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