
Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by Glenn, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Welcome to the forum Moonwatcher !
    RoryRory likes this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Welcome, from Pierefonds, Quebec, Canada. :)
  3. moonwatcher

    moonwatcher New Member

    Thanks much for the warm welcome. As well it seems that the locator is in error as I'm in neighbouring town.
    Anyway would like to say I have been visiting since October of 2011- this forum is a God-send.

    God Bless to each and every one on here!
    miker and Torrentum like this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Good to have you hear. Every person who has anything at all to do with the forum is like a yeast that makes it better , changing ti and causing it to rise.

    The greatest miracle of all is the people who join us here; in all the years it has been hear I would say there were only ever two really bad intentioned malicious people and they left a long time ago.

    I am always aware that over 90 per cent of people never become members and they are in a real way the foundation of Mary's House. The only thing that saddens me is if they never join or post I never know how to serve them better.

    There are saints and very holy and good people out there who help the forum by their prayer but my special thanks goes to a Spanish lady who I have never been in contact with but whom I have seem in prayer day after day in the most gorgeous Church, praying for us all. A great saint. I am still amazed at the sight if the oranges growing around the front of the Church and its beauty.
    RoryRory likes this.
  5. moonwatcher

    moonwatcher New Member

    Actually it was my intent to officially sign up in earnest back in Nov. 2011 but just didn't follow through... until yesterday.
    In all honesty dunno what I could contribute to on the forum- I visit pretty much daily to absorb and be enlightened as I've only a budding, nascent spirituality. And generally speaking since I am less than prolific in regards to posting online, indeed there'd be no way for me to be malicious even if I were bad intentioned (which I am not as far as know thank God).

    All's I know is- if weren't for Our Lady in my life, I'd be truly and utterly lost.
    PotatoSack and miker like this.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    So would I.

    Mary bringer of joy, pray for.

    Light of the Sea, guide us.
  7. Bernadette

    Bernadette Archangels

    Welcome Moonwatcher! I think we are called here for a reason. We're a part of a much bigger cloth of faith. And even if you don't think you have much to contribute, sometimes just a kind word, show of support is all that's necessary to uplift. I hope you will add this forum (as well as everyone here) to your daily prayers as we are all frail and fall often.

    BTW could you explain you name?

    God Bless!
  8. moonwatcher

    moonwatcher New Member

    Thanks for the welcome Bernadette. Yup nowadays don't much believe in chance nor in coincidence but (to elaborate on what you alluded to) a plan or will that though it feels as though it may be beyond us essentially involves us all. Which brings me to this forum- it is an oasis and wellspring amidst the desert of the world. I had high hopes for the world and how good and great it was; then having had this view flip 180 degrees I sorta lost faith in the times, in culture, society and generally speaking in humankind. I find in this place here a sliver of the goodness and decency of the world as it ought and how blessed we are to be in the Lord's creation- to that I am most thankful.

    The name refers to my former ways and passions- a childhood love of mine was movies and one that had an impact on my being, 2001: A Space Odyssey, had a character referred to by this very name.

    Now the name is given new relevancy to me in that instead of being so intently fixated on movies previously now I diligently watch for prophetic signs above, "Moonwatcher".

    St. Ignatius of Loyola, pray for us
    St. Alphonsus Liguori, pray for us

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