Charlie Johnston.

Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by padraig, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    My understanding of the instructions of Yahweh to his warriors, in many battles, to kill everyone was this: if anyone survived, the chosen people were so inclined to worship false idols that the false gods of their enemies would creep back into their lives, as happened many times. This scorched earth policy is coming again, I'm afraid, in our time. Every false god will be destroyed, and every person infected with the worship of false gods who does not repent will be taken out. Otherwise, the era of peace would not be possible.

    God never changes. Many mighty men and women of God have done mortal combat for the Lord. Along with the other Saints mentioned, St. Catherine of Siena was deeply committed to a new crusade to take back the holy lands. And while St. Joan of Arc never took a life, she led men into battle who took many, many lives.

    I pray that I will never be asked to use force against another person. But my fiat to Him is not conditional. (I have to confess, if I was certain that my duty was to shoot a person, I would be sorely tempted to just wing him!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2014
  2. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    fallen saint: I would be interested in hearing what you think on God's command to kill the first born of all the Egyptians? And please explain why God ordered the 'angel of death' to kill (men, women and children) who did not sprinkle the blood of the lamb on thier door posts during the Passover? I see the admonition that Jesus gave Peter to put down the sword lest he that lives by the sword dies by the sword to mean that we are not to take up arms against our brother as an agressor and it has nothing to do with defending our own safety against agressors. Pacifism is not a Christian principle. May I remind you that the feast of rosary came about after the great battle vicroty of Lepanto against the Muslim's by the order of the Pope himself.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2014
    Heidi likes this.
  3. MMM

    MMM Guest

    Since this is Charlie's welcome thread I wonder if this thread is going off course. Charlie sort of has to follow it due to it being in his name so it should stick to direct things for or about Charlie or maybe best be a new thread started elsewhere? Ulitmately it would be up to Charlie but I am purposing this out of respect for him.
    BrianK likes this.
  4. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    This is personal opinion :)

    The Old Testament was the pre-curser to the New Testament. Gods work was completed when Jesus Christ died for our sins. The war is over, "the created one" lost. And the war wasn't against God per-say, but against His people (souls). So, the great battles of the old testament, where in accord with the Divine. But once Jesus Christ died on the cross, the divine rules changed. Eg. A eye for a eye vs. turn the other cheek. Now in the bigger picture, can God create chastisements that affect men, woman and children...i think so. But those are divine judgements according to Gods will. But to say the bombing of children is Gods will is not acceptable. God allows free-will, therefore in Divine Order... evil is allowed. But it is not Gods will for the children to die.

    Just a thought (n)
  5. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    The only ones that I know of that support or condone the intentional 'bombing of children' is Islamic terrorists.
  6. Charlie Johnston

    Charlie Johnston Archangels

    Thanks Kathy, I suspect I have been misquoted here, also. I have categorically NEVER been told by Our Lady not to worry about souls - it is what SHE worries most about. Two possible reasons:

    1) When I was in radio full-time I constantly heard myself being misquoted. Early on I tried to correct everything, but eventually I just learned to take it in stride.

    2) In some presentation, I might have garbled my words. It happens sometimes. Like a priest once who was talking about the woman taken in sin who quoted Jesus telling her, "Go and sin..." The poor priest blanked out at the no more...but we knew what he meant. I am very careful, having spent many years on air - and then spokesman for certain federal candidates and officials having to deal with an often hostile press corps. But I screw up sometimes. So if I ever said that in passing, it was a garbled verbal error and not what I meant. See the first two sentences here.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Pope Francis has the same problem. I sympathise.
  8. Charlie Johnston

    Charlie Johnston Archangels

    Thanks for the thought, MMM, but I wrote for several lively regional public affairs journals and am used to getting in the midst of controversy. The publisher of one, a left-leaning atheist, told me one time he did not understand why someone as gentle and easy-going as I sparked such passionate responses. I played a prominent role in getting the discussion off track, so I bear much of the culpability. We are entering uncharted times where we will be confronted with things we never imagined. I appreciate the gravity and seriousness with which most people here approach that.
    Greggo likes this.
  9. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    Charlie, I would like to have you answer a question that lingers in the events unfolding. Have you received any confirmation as to whether we will be in the time of thee anti-Christ during this strom or does thee anti-Christ manifest himself at a later period in time? Thanks!
  10. Torrentum

    Torrentum Guest

    Charlie, I've a question for you. (I think you will hear that line a lot here!!)
    I'm mystified by the "last traditional Christmas" you spoke of in one of your first blog posts.
    If you don't feel it's appropriate to tell exactly what that means, I understand, so I won't ask, however, what I would like to ask is: Are you speaking in terms of Christmas in just your own country or globally?
    Good bless :)
  11. FoundSoul

    FoundSoul Angels


    If I may say welcome to you too. I like reading what you say. Please keep posting. I feel we are very close of soemthing awful and wonderfull and we need people like you.
  12. Charlie Johnston

    Charlie Johnston Archangels

    Sorry for waiting so long to reply, Little Me. Our rights HAVE been slowly eroding. One of my priests, the one who keeps the archives, sent me a copy of a letter I sent him in 2000 - describing the persecution to come and describing how it would come - primarily through the then benign-sounding hate crimes, tolerance and homosexual rights legislation - and that the gay lobby was the spearhead designed to gut Christianity in this country.

    I do not have any animus against homosexuals. You don't have to agree with me to be my friend. And I think having homosexual longings would be a very difficult cross to bear for a Christian. I know about sin - as I have said candidly before - I was an aggressive dater until a decade ago (the full-service variety). I am sympathetic to others struggles as I have had so many of my own. I think it would go very badly for me if I was miserly in returning the mercy to others that I, myself, have received from above in such abundance. But the "gay rights movement" in the west has NEVER been primarily about leaving gays be - it has been about attacking and destroying Christianity. And I wrote privately about it 14 years ago.

    In other parts of the world, there is a veritable holocaust going on against Christians - and no western country - save Russia, for all its other ills - is doing anything effective to defend these Christians. So my answer to both parts of your questions is yes.

    More importantly, it is not so important to worry how these things come. If you knew which rock was the first to fall in a rockslide, what difference would it make? Another would be the beginning. Rockslides happen because conditions are right and ripe for them - and which was the first to fall is an irrelevant detail. Your response, however, is critical. You cannot control what the world does or whether it will be just. You can, however, choose to be just and defend those under assault. It is why, again, I go back to the summary of what is important - Acknowledge God, be a sign of hope to those around you, and take the next right step. To worry much more than this is just a vanity.
  13. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Charlie - you are so correct.

    There are a whole lot of potential rock slides from one side of the earth to the other & rather like dominoes I think they will all kick off together.

    But this time is still a time of grace and conversion so we have to encourage each other to grow deeper and deeper in the faith. With perfect, faith hope and charity in out hearts we will not fear the future no matter what rock slides occur.
    Charlie Johnston and Torrentum like this.
  14. Welcome Charlie! I'm going to quote a book that is out of print at the moment. Fr. Ianuzzi two weekends ago told me he loves Maria Valtorta... This is from the book THE END TIMES.

    JUNE 24TH , 1943—WWII

    Jesus speaks again:

    “Again today which is the feast-day of My divine Body, Satan has struck Me in My Churches and in My children. I do not go triumphantly, Host of Peace, in your streets, on carpets of flowers, amidst the singing of hosannas. I fall in the rubble, in the infernal roar of hatred unleashed with all its might against Charity.”

    “The flowers of today, Corpus Domini of the time of wrath are My slain children. Happy, among these, are those who fall as innocents and whose death without hard feelings becomes beautiful as martyrdom. One cannot see My Blood amid the blood of the slain. I retain My whiteness as Host. It is the others’ blood that spatters Me, just as it is the cruelty of those enslaved by the Enemy that strikes Me and strikes along with Me those who are victims like Me. From the greatest individual among you –straight as on a mystical cross between the temple and Heaven, and wounded, spat upon, pierced, scourged, like his Lord, by falsehood sold out to the Enemy—all the way to the smallest baby slaughtered like an innocent lamb. Yet, these victims have not been immolated uselessly. In them there is not stain of hatred. They are the victims. Forever blessed for being the victims!”

    “In My dearest children, in my real children, there is My mark. I have marked all of you who love Me and whom I love. More than the tiara crowning him, that sign is divinely a sign on the forehead of My current Peter, in the Pontiff of Peace in whom there is no leaven of hatred. More than any other halo that sign sparkles on the heads of the victims who fall with Me under Satan’s weapons and who are the forerunners of the second coming of Christ. “

    “And the same angels of the smitten churches who pray, worshiping the knocked down Hosts, gather the innocent souls whose tears will be soothed in Heaven.”

    (This gives me peace as a mother and as a daughter of Christ. Peace be with you.)
    Jeanne, fallen saint and Magdalen like this.
  15. "More importantly, it is not so important to worry how these things come. If you knew which rock was the first to fall in a rockslide, what difference would it make? Another would be the beginning. Rockslides happen because conditions are right and ripe for them - and which was the first to fall is an irrelevant detail. Your response, however, is critical. You cannot control what the world does or whether it will be just. You can, however, choose to be just and defend those under assault. It is why, again, I go back to the summary of what is important - Acknowledge God, be a sign of hope to those around you, and take the next right step. To worry much more than this is just a vanity."

    Wisdom if I've ever heard it Charlie!! I might just have to write that on my wall at home!!
  16. Charlie Johnston

    Charlie Johnston Archangels

    What I speak of is global. The Storm will feel like a global civil war. There is no place of sanctuary, except in God.
    Torrentum likes this.
  17. Charlie Johnston

    Charlie Johnston Archangels

    Hi Fatima, before the week is out I will post on The Next Right Step a piece on the anti-Christ. I think it might be better to handle it where I have a little more room. I will try to get the piece up tonight or tomorrow morning. I suspect everyone here found my site, easy enough, but just in case, if you watch, the next post I put up will be on this matter.
    Fatima and picadillo like this.
  18. Jackie

    Jackie Archangels

    I have to catch up, you can ask "Where have you been?" I did not know the Abomination of Desolation has two meanings. I thought the A.O.D. is the change in the words of consecration, when the evil one tries to take away the most Holy Eucharist.

    Yesterday, on a secular forum, I saw a thread entitled the <White Horse>. The Douay-Rheims Bible (Rev 6:2) defines the four horses in a footnote. I looked at the messages to see what they might reveal about the White Horse of Revelation. I found...

    In a 2008 message to J.N.S.R (her messages ended in 2009), there is mention of the White Horse and of another, mainly concerning the Abomination of Desolation. I should say first, I stopped reading J.N.S.R, something stated in the messages about the Blessed Mother is NOT true. A prophet can be waylaid on one thing, does it mean all that person was given is wrong? Others know better than I but this was so interesting.

    I post some of the message to J.N.S.R., its very long, there is the message plus the seer's comments and a lot of Scripture. Here is the part I am talking about, some of this older message sounds like AND of the current news concerning Israel! Has it always been known, an "abomination" will take place in JERUSALEM? And I checked, I never noticed, the term "desolate" is written in Luke 21:20.

    Scripture verses can be about two time periods and best to remember myself, sometimes verses can have more than one meaning. Another reminder when reading this, the three final time periods of God, His Days, in prophecy, miraculously, the faithful will be protected during God's Chastisement at the end of the 6th Day.

    _ _ _

    Message to J.N.S.R.
    March 1, 2008

    The Bible announce to you:
    The Prophets have Spoken

    ...The survival of the planet is threatened by those weapons of mass destruction, by epidemics, by famine, a consequence of upheavals caused by the warming of the climate, resulting from the pollution by greenhouse gases, against which people talk, and talk. As for all of us, and particularly the countries causing the most pollution, it is urgent to do nothing: "After us, the Flood"!

    Today, every inhabitant of this planet must face the day when it will no longer be habitable. Our Lord often repeated to me: "Do and I will do"! As we have done just about nothing, we must expect to live the days that the prophecies announce.
    The four horses of the Apocalypse (Revelations 6, 1-8),

    represent the four principal aspects of the world at this time:

    The white horse: The new false ministers who are preaching a false Christ and false avenues leading to Salvation. All of them keep away from preaching the great Gospel of JESUS Himself, announcing His Return and all His Prophecies for this Time. It is all in the Holy Bible.

    The red horse: represents the growing rhythm of the devastation provoked by war, all the murder attempts and all those destructive arms.

    The black horse: is the famine in the world and all its consequences.

    The green horse: symbolizes the breaking loose of all sorts of epidemics.

    It is man who brings upon himself these miseries and those horrible deaths. JESUS knew that, left to itself, Humanity would bring upon itself all those afflictions and that it would risk annihilating all forms all life, unless a divine intervention comes and prevents it. That is the reason for which He promised to intervene decisively one day in the affairs of this world. JESUS is soon coming in order to save us, because Humanity is reaching the end of its tether.

    The little book of Daniel. But the book that God kept secret from Daniel has just been opened, for God is coming to save His People. It is the Bible revealed to the one who will obey the Lord who is coming to forewarn us.

    Daniel 12, 1-4: "At that time, Michael will rise, the great Prince who mounts guard over your people. It will be a time of great distress, unparalleled, since nations first came into existence.

    When that time comes, your own people will be spared, all those whose names are found written in the Book. Of those who lie sleeping in the dust of the earth, many will awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and everlasting disgrace. The learned will shine as brightly as the splendor of the heavens, and those who have instructed Justice to many, will shine as bright as stars, for all eternity.

    But you, Daniel, must keep these words secret and the book sealed, until the time of the End. Many will wander this way and that, and wickedness will go on increasing."

    (See note).

    It is in Matthew (24, 7-8) that everything is said by JESUS Christ Himself:

    " For nation will fight against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be here and there, famines and earthquakes, and all this is only the beginning of the birth-pangs".

    In Jerusalem, the Abomination of Desolation

    Matthew (24, 12-14): "With the increase of lawlessness, love in most men will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. This Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed to the whole World, as a witness to all the nations. And then, the end will come."

    Note: All these readings are from the Jerusalem Bible; the last sentence is really surprising when first read (lawlessness will increase), while other translations say: "knowledge will increase". It is in a note at the bottom of a page that the translator tells us that the word "lawlessness" in the Hebrew language is "knowledge', in referring to the Septante Bible...... This tells us especially of the translator's uncertainty about the meaning intended here: in the Pastoral index of the Bible, the word "lawlessness" is synonymous of fault, injustice, sin, but not knowledge.

    Luke (21, 20-24): "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, you must realize that she will soon be laid desolate. Then, those in Judea must escape to the mountains, those inside the city must leave it, and those in country districts must not take refuge in it. For this is the time of vengeance, when all that Scripture says must be fulfilled. Alas, for those with child, or with babies at the breast, when those days come! For great misery will descend on the land and wrath on this people. They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive to every pagan country; and Jerusalem will be trampled down by the pagans, until the age of the pagans is completely over".

    These events will constitute a great abomination for the whole city and desolation will follow. It is the hateful and terrible actions committed by the armies attacking Jerusalem, that will cause this new abomination of the desolation. (It is Jerusalem).

    Matthew (24, 15): "So when you see the disastrous abomination, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, set up in the Holy Place". (Let the reader understand).

    At this time, there is threat of war in the Near East, and Zechariah's prophecy concerns first all the past, then the future:

    Zechariah (14, 2-5): "Yahweh will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for battle. The city will be taken, the houses plundered, the women ravished. Half the city will go into captivity, but the remnant of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then Yahweh will take the field; He will fight against these nations as He fights in the day of battle. On that day, His Feet will rest on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem from the east. The Mount of Olives will be split in half from east to west, forming a huge gorge; half the Mount will recede northwards, the other half southwards........And the Vale of Hinnom will be filled up from Goah to Jasol. Yahweh your God will come and all the Holy Ones with Him".

    This military enterprise in the Near East will launch a war.

    Matthew (24, 21-22): "For then there will be great distress such as, until now, there never has been, since the world began, nor ever will be again. And if that time had not been shortened, no one would have survived; but shortened that time shall be, for the sake of those who are chosen".

    The moment will have come for JESUS Christ to intervene.

    Previously, man has never had the capacity to destroy all life on the Planet as today. Consequently, these prophecies can only be applied to our present time, the End Times and in the near future. ...

    see - #23094 archives at Yahoo Groups - Seers 2
  19. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    An excellent EXCELLENT blog/article Charlie on O Shepherds, Where Art Thou?

    Spot on! Our bishops once again are off the rail. Their policial pandering is sickening. I live in one of he most ethnicaly diverse small towns in America. I get this same hype from our pastor in his homiles every weeknd. I am convinced that many priests and bishops truely believe their salvation is assured via the corporal works of mercy, while the spiritual works of mercy (admonish the sinner, instruct the ignorant etc.) are no longer essential to the faith and are judgemental. Have not heard a homily on the evils of contraception, sterelization, masturbation, divorce and remarriage etc.. ever in my parish. There seems to be little to no desire to feed the soul, as salvation now comes through open borders and getting the immagrants into our secular society. Sad. Very sad.
    Carmel333 likes this.
  20. dust

    dust Guest

    We do not understand God's ways. That is why we are called children. The holy innocents are an example. We know that St. Joseph had a dream to rise and and flee to egypt with the child and his mother. How are we to know how many other fathers had the same dream the night St. Joseph had his? We all need to be open to the many ways God is speaking. Present tense.
    I had a stillborn child during the Gulf War. The whole pregnancy for some reason, I prayed anxiously for God to keep me safe and to keep my baby safe. He would be 23 today. He is safe. Moreso than I. God's ways are high above our ways; sometimes we are brought very low before we can see that from our knees is the only place we should ask Our Loving Father "Why?" Two years later I had twins. One with Down Syndrome. Nothing about my life is sad. Trust in Him.
    Indy, little me, padraig and 5 others like this.
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