Countdown to the Kingdom

Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by bflocatholic, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Thank you. Mr Akin makes some very good points here.
    AED and Jo M like this.
  2. LMF

    LMF Archangels

    He may make some very good points. But if the laity's mission, as per Archbishop Sheen, is as follows: "Your mission is to see that the priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops, and the religious act like religious." his work does not help in that regard as he is taking on a role that does not apply, imho.

    Now Bishop Barron has said the laity's place is to sanctify the secular arena. That is not possible either, if the Bishops do not do their work. Those of you in the US who cannot in good conscience vote in the next prez election can see why that is. In Canada, it's been that way for a very long time........most of our more recent Prime Ministers have actually been Catholics......In fact, there was a nice big Roman Catholic funeral recently for a former PM. The current one was in attendance, of course.....nothing to see there.....
  3. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    My own two pennies worth, may God forgive anyone who steers the faithful on board the barque of Peter in the wrong direction :(:( Heaven help us :cry::love:
  4. AED

    AED Powers

    A good summary of the situation John. We are awash in claims of locutions and apparitions. Discerning this as a lay person is nightmarish. The Church used to protect us by carefully vetting them. Now all I can think of is Jesus's Words that many will come and make claims "he is in the desert" " he is on the mountain" We are warned to not be deceived.
    HeavenlyHosts, LMF and "Quis ut Deus" like this.
  5. AED

    AED Powers

    I hear ya. Its a tangled jungle of possibilities. It gives me a spiritual headache quite honestly.
    Agnes McAllister likes this.
  6. Agnes McAllister

    Agnes McAllister Archangels

    I don't follow him or put my trust in anyone except my favorite true Priests! All this leads to a disturbance of our hearts and souls.
    AED likes this.
  7. Agnes McAllister

    Agnes McAllister Archangels

    I agree 100 percent

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