
Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by padraig, Aug 8, 2017.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Welcome Gracia from Spenard, Alaska. :):)

    How romantic this seems to me!! Just imagine..Alaska!!

    View attachment 6667

    gracia likes this.
  2. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Gracia, welcome to Mother of God forum. I have always wanted to travel to Alaska. I have heard how beautiful it is.
  3. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Welcome to the Forum, Gracia! From beautiful Alaska!
    I love your avatar!
    gracia likes this.
  4. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Welcome aboard Gracia!

    Alaska is a beautiful place indeed, and a place of hard work! :)
  5. heyshepard

    heyshepard Archangels

    Welcome Garcia to the Mother of God forum family! Alaska does look very beautiful.
  6. gracia

    gracia Archangels

    Thank you for the warm welcome! It's good to "see" all of you! :D
  7. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    View attachment 6668 I dont know why but when I think of the new earth and the new heavens I think...

    gracia likes this.
  8. gracia

    gracia Archangels

    It is an honor to be here.... I'm not yet joined to Rome, but if that is where God really wants me, I know He'll get me there. I'm learning to pray as a Catholic Christian right now, and am getting information on-line.

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