Reconcile and Restore Marriage Prayer Request

Discussion in 'Prayer requests' started by Renae, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Renae

    Renae New Member

    Thank you for remembering my prayers! That is very kind and generous! God bless!
  2. Sorrowful Heart

    Sorrowful Heart Archangels

    I will be praying for you both.

    BTW this might be a prayer group worth joining. If you feel it is diabolic forces that are ripping apart your marriage. It is a group of about 50,000 that pray daily for protection from evil. Father Ripperger recommends it.
    Jeanne, Sam, Renae and 1 other person like this.
  3. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    I have prayed for you, Renae, and will continue to do so. I thought I had posted this already but I must have had another of my senior moments.
    Renae likes this.
  4. Renae

    Renae New Member

    Thank you very much for praying for us. I miss my husband so much! :( I pray he is moved by the Holy Spirit soon!
    CrewDog likes this.
  5. Sorrowful Heart

    Sorrowful Heart Archangels

    Please listen to this story about a marriage at 47 minutes into the video. It will give you some strength in your suffering.
    Renae likes this.
  6. I am praying for you Renae,
    Rom 8:28 comes to mind.
    Renae likes this.
  7. Rosario

    Rosario New Member

    Are you claiming you marriage daily in Jesus' name and that no weapon formed against it shall prosper. " in Jesus name I claim that my marriage is signed and sealed in heaven and no weapon formed against it shall prosper "
    I would also suggest claiming the graces of the sacrament of your marriage and asking God to release them into your and your husband heart.
    I would also when I go to Mass and when you receive Communion do so through the sacrament of your marriage and ask that your husband receive the graces also. We underestimate the power of the marriage sacrament and forget that as a spouse we can stand before God for our spouse as one in the flesh and spirit.
    Finally go to your Mother Mary ask her to be the mediator between you and your husband. Tell her you have no wine, like the couple at Cana. Give it to her with the Luminous Mysteries of Rosary asking her to go to her Son as she did at Cana.
    Dolours, Dean, Renae and 8 others like this.
  8. That brought tears to my eyes Rosario. Beautiful advice.
    Renae likes this.
  9. Heidi

    Heidi Powers

    Renae likes this.
  10. Renae

    Renae New Member

    Thank you all very much for the wonderful prayers!!
  11. Renae

    Renae New Member

    Thank you so very much!
  12. Renae

    Renae New Member

    Thank you for such encouraging and incredible advice! I could not be more thankful! Thank you, thank you! We need as many prayers as we can get and I'm open to all advice to grow closer to God and Mary. I just can't wait for a breakthrough or a miracle as I miss my best friend (my hubby) so much. My heart aches for him and I wish for the Holy Spirit to speak loudly and for my hubby to listen and be obedient to God.
  13. Renae

    Renae New Member

    Thank you for your loving prayers! Romans is my absolute favorite book in the bible.
    Amen to Romans 8:28
  14. Renae

    Renae New Member

    I usually pray this prayer after communion too...

    "Eternal Father, clothed in Your Son's righteousness, covered in His most Precious Blood and through the intercession of Your Saints, especially the Blessed Virgin Mary; I offer You all the graces and blessings that would be mine for receiving Your Son and ask that these graces and blessings be given to some sinner in great need of Thy love and mercy [my husband]. Destroy the darkness that surrounds them [him] that they [he] may come to know, love and serve You according to Your most perfect will. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen"

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