
Discussion in 'The Signs of the Times' started by themilitantcatholic, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dolours, this was truly lovely and inspiring. Thank you so much for posting this. I loved it.
    Dolours and AED like this.
  2. BREAKING: Washington Doctors SUCCESSFULLY Treat Coronavirus Patient with Experimental Anti-viral Medication — “Significantly” Improved in Hours (VIDEO)

    The first person in the US to catch the coronavirus was successfully treated in Washington state and returned home late last week.

    Dr. George Diaz, a section chief for infectious diseases at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett joined Arthel Neville on FOX News on Sunday morning to discuss the successful treatment of the center’s coronavirus patient.

    Dr. George Diaz: About a week into his course he got worse developed pneumonia. At that point given the reports we had gotten out of China… At that point we elected to give him… the experimentalRemdesivir, antiviral medication. And within 24 hours he improved significantly. This was quite encouraging and he improved and thereafter remained without fever and felt much better. Over the next few days he improved to where we thought he could be discharged at home under the care of the local health district.

    Arthel Neville: And you said you used, I believe an experimental anti-viral medication, that you gave this patient. Can you apply this treatment to ALL people infected with the coronavirus or does it depend on the stage of their infection?

    Dr. George Diaz: Yes, at this point the CDC has been working with the authorities in China and have recently opened a large clinical trial of Chinese patients looking at those with severe disease as well as those with mild to moderate disease. We are very much looking forward to the trials.
    Don_D, Byron, Carol55 and 4 others like this.
  3. AED

    AED Powers

    Thank God.
    Jo M and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  4. Jo M

    Jo M Powers

    Sounds very promising! Finally some hopeful news.
    AED and Mario like this.

  5. Incredible moment cross appears above Holy Land in ‘message from God’

    Posted on : 02/10/2020

    The image by an uploader known only as The Rabbi and sent into YouTube conspiracy theorist MrMBB333.

    It shows what seems like a dark cross in the clouds with a number seven next to it.

    In his clip on February 8, MrMBB333 said: “They were out on a guided tour a few nights ago when someone on the tour noticed this cross up in the sky.

    “And the person spoke up and said ‘Hey look, there’s a cross up in the sky’.



    Mysterious glow appears above Jesus Christ's childhood home of Nazareth

    “I have not edited this photo in any way shape or form.

    “The Rabbi (the person who took the video) also pointed out that on the left-hand side of the cross there appears to be a number 7.

    “How about that? Great observation from the Holy Lands.

    “Talk about signs in the heavens.”

    The footage has been seen more than 46,000 times and has sparked a frenzy among viewers.

    Several said it was a sign that “Jesus is coming”.

    HeavenlyHosts, Jo M and Carol55 like this.
  6. I don't know.....that alleged number "7" in that figure in the sky looks more like a four or six or ten in Hebrew Numbers....and the meaning of the six is "interesting" for these times:

    [​IMG]Shesh [f.], sheeshah [m.] Image, man, beast, flesh, sacrifice, intimacy, finished work, knowledge, sacrificial love, number of man and beast, antichrist, idol, and judgment. Six usually refers to the works of man, but ideally represents sacrificial love and intimate knowledge with the Creator (Da’at). When the latter is forsaken, only idolatry and flesh remain. We are ALWAYS either projecting the image of God or the image of the beast (flesh) to the world, which is represented by the number six.

    • Sixth Hebrew letter: Vav Numerical value of six. Pictographic meaning of hook, nail, to connect, tent peg, add to, attach. As a conjunction prefix, it means “and.” The number six reveals whether we are connected to Adonai or the beast/flesh.
    • On day six of creation, beasts of the field (land creatures) and mankind (male and female) were created. Mankind is designed to rule over the beasts of the field.
    • Sixth Feast: Yom HaKippurim (Day of Atonements) Lev. 23
    • Sixth Spirit of God: Da’at (Knowledge; sacrificial love) Is. 11:2
    • Sixth Church of Revelation: Philadelphia (Meaning: brotherly love)
    • Negative side: A false witness that speaks lies, being a witness for the enemy or for the lusts of the flesh. (Pr. 6:16-19) See the number 24 for a giant that followed this image of the beast (6) that actually had six fingers on each hand and six toes each foot.
    [​IMG]Peter had a vision of a sheet with unclean beasts at the sixth hour. (Acts 10:9) The vision was a parable; the beasts represented people (men), not food. Peter saw the sheet three times and three Gentile men (3+3=6) came to see him. (Acts 10:28-29) This story is a great example of how to discern between the Spirit of Adonai and the desires of the flesh, or the number six. How do you view Peter’s vision? A flesh ruled person (6) can and usually will twist this encounter to condone the appetites of the flesh; that is, eating unclean animals that YHWH calls an abomination [Lev. 11]. To their credit, most have been taught by misinformed and/or ignorant teachers to view Peter’s encounter as a license to indulge in the desires of the flesh. In other words, they’ve been deceived and are not in outright rebellion.

    On the other hand, one that knows God’s Word and commandments will not be looking for a loophole to disobey what is written and will immediately discern the context of Acts chapter 10. Peter clearly interprets his own vision in the text; it’s better to take his word for it. The unclean animals symbolize men, and have nothing to do with food or eating what God has forbidden. We must have the mind of Messiah, not a mind set on appeasing the wants, desires, and appetites of the flesh. The beauty and depth of Peter’s vision has been tainted by the desire to consume swine’s flesh for far too long. Peter’s vision is about God’s love and acceptance of people from all races, tribes, and tongues. You must decide which interpretation is spiritual and which one is from the appetite of a beast. This decision is made in the sixth hour (noon) when the sunlight is at its peak in the sky. In other words, there should be no ambiguity or darkness to blind one to truth. See also Dr. Robin Gould’s book, Peter’s Vision: Beacon or Bacon.

    And the number 7 (which does't look so much like this one) and the other Hebrew numbers here:
  7. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Thought I'd just share a positive sign. In one week, the altar railing in the rectory basement of my parish will be resurrected and re-installed. Fr. Schultz will begin celebrating the TLM at the Monday daily Holy Mass. He personally sought out the advice and permission of our newly installed bishop, His Excellency Douglas Lucia; the bishop is young, only 56-yrs-old, and said "Yes." I assume the plan is to eventually work it into the Lord's Day schedule.

    Soli Deo gloria!! :D
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
    jackzokay, Indy, Patty and 11 others like this.
  8. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    That is some seriously wonderful news Mario! Thank you.
    josephite, Mario, AED and 2 others like this.
  9. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    I am so very happy for this!
    Mario, AED and Mary's child like this.
  10. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    Actually, that symbol on the right doesn't look like a Christian cross to me.

    At the time of the prophet Ezekiel, the Hebrew alphabet was shaped differently than today. In Ez 9:4 G_D commands the scribe to mark the foreheads of the innocent with His Mark. In Hebrew, the word for "mark" is "taw", which is the same as the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. At the time of Ezekiel, "taw" was written to look like an "X" or a cross. So that sign in the sky could be read as "tav vav". Sidenote: in Revelation 22:13, John writes Jesus as saying, "I am the Alpha and the Omega..." That's in the Greek translation of John. In the original Aramaic, Jesus says, "I am the Aleph and the Tav" The aleph was remarkably like the ICHTHYS, the fish-symbol used by early Christians
  11. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    It really looks like a cross to me, though.
  12. "Quis ut Deus"

    "Quis ut Deus" ADMIN Staff Member

    Hmmm how strange??? so Remdesivir was used in the ebola treatment and all looked well for the makers Gilead then suddenly the drug was dropped from the ebola trials in august 2019 ???? A few months later its the new wonder drug for Coronavirus .....

    Oh boy I smell a rat or should I say a very big big Bat ????
  13. Jo M and AED like this.
  14. Locusts in Africa devouring food sources; bats, fires, and floods in Australia; Volcanoes and earthquakes in other spots; and now this, from the cosmos - probably a hint that more are coming (also warned to be in the mix as nature rebels against so much sin by man). No more of those "tin foil hats"; maybe now the need for lead helmets or such!!:

    NASA warns of 'potentially hazardous' asteroid

    NASA has confirmed that an asteroid larger than the tallest man-made structures on Earth will miss the planet by a few million miles Saturday, the International Business Times reported.

    The asteroid is traveling toward Earth at a speed of almost 34,000 miles per hour, the outlet reported. A collision would likely trigger a nuclear winter and mass extinction, but the asteroid is set to pass the planet by approximately 3.6 million miles.

    NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies identified the asteroid as 163373 (2002 PZ39). It is estimated to have a diameter of approximately 3,250 feet, making it larger than the Burj Dubai, which is currently the tallest building in the world.

    The asteroid has been labeled a “Potentially Hazardous Asteroid” by NASA. It is an Apollo asteroid, which means it will intersect Earth’s path around the sun.

    According to NASA’s website, “Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are currently defined based on parameters that measure the asteroid’s potential to make threatening close approaches to the Earth.”

    NASA currently estimates that the asteroid will pass by the planet on Saturday at 6:05 a.m. EST, the International Business Times reported.

  15. More and more exposure:

    Pueblo police get report of ‘demonic sounds’ at restaurant

    Meet Harrisburg’s modern-day exorcist (Video)

    ELYSBURG, Pa. (WHTM) — ‘The Exorcist’ was a classic and creepy movie in 1973. But demonic possession is not just the stuff of Hollywood. Every Catholic diocese in the world is concerned about evil spirits in 2020, and they’ve all been instructed to name a priest to combat them.

    ABC27 recently sat down with the man tasked with denying the demonic in the Harrisburg diocese.

    Knoebel’s Amusement Resort might be its most famous attraction, but Elysburg is home to a lesser-known haunt, and its chaplain is Father John Szada.

    Szada delivers mass every morning in Latin. “It’s an experience of holiness, an experience of silence, an experience of union with God,” he said.

    Helping believers find God is one part of Szada’s job. Another: chasing away the devil.

    “[The] bishop said to me, ‘I have something I have to tell you. I’d like you to be my exorcist.’ That was it. Literally, that was it,” Szada recalled.

    That was in 2011. There were only around 15 exorcists in America then, but there are now over a hundred who attend a yearly conference to share tips and trade secrets.

    Every two years, it’s off to Rome for the International Conference of Exorcists, a group enthusiastically endorsed by Pope Francis.

    “The name of the exorcist is submitted to Rome and it’s kept on file in Rome,” Szada said.

    When asked if he has seen a demonic possession, Szada laughed and said, “More than one.”

    Job one, Szada says, is ruling out mental illness which weeds out many claims.

    But there are rare instances, and Szada remembers them vividly.

    “A person was possessed and it took four fully grown men to hold this person down,” Szada said.

    Another client didn’t know Latin but answered Szada’s questions fluently in Latin. That was the work of the devil, he insists.

    And then the local girl who was hospitalized.

    “Doctors couldn’t figure out what was going on. Tranquilizers were not working. They stepped out to consult, they came back in and found her climbing up the wall, literally, like Spider-Man,” Szada said.

    He said ‘The Exorcist’ is fairly accurate, minus the head-spinning. The church has guidelines on how to perform exorcisms which include prayer and ritual. The bishop must approve each case. The possessed rarely approve.

    “You sprinkle holy water on a person and they really react, pretty good clue that this is demonic,” Szada said.

    “The notion that there are spirits that can take over our bodies personally doesn’t make sense to me, but it’s also really, really fascinating,” said Matthew Sayers, associate professor of religion at Lebanon Valley College.

    Sayers was raised Catholic but is now an atheist who doesn’t believe in demonic possession but understands why the Vatican does.

    “Having an exorcist in every diocese is literally just having a safety plan in place. Having a fire extinguisher in every hallway in the building. We’ve got one there just in case something comes up,” Sayers said.

    The ancient art of exorcism is needed in modern times more than ever, according to the Vatican, which says possessions are at an all-time high. At every mass, Catholics are now praying to Saint Michael the Archangel.

    It specifically asks for protection from the devil, “thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls,” the prayer concludes.

    When asked if he had been face-to-face with the devil, Szada quickly responded, “Oh, yeah.”

    He also said he’s never scared because God works through him and God is stronger than Satan.

    When asked what he thought about people calling him nuts, Szada chuckled, “Thank you.”

    Szada says he has performed seven actual exorcisms in nine years and the best way to ward off evil spirits is to stay holy. He also warns against using Ouji boards and Tarot cards which, he says, can invite the demonic.
  16. AED

    AED Powers

    Sanctus just dreamed about this! Check the dream/vision thread
  17. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    Just looked at the clock and, WHEW! Looks like we dodged a bullet there. (A very LARGE bullet ...)

    EDIT: It is currently 9:31 AM EST
    AED likes this.
  18. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Happy St. Valentine's Day Father Mark Goring and all MOG members! I apologize that I am a day late but I do hope that you had a wonderful day yesterday and that you are continuing to celebrate St. Valentine's Day this weekend by spending time with those who you love the most.:love:

    Father Mark Goring has another nice video out in which he speaks of God's love for us and eucharistic miracles, etc.

    He also states that he believes that we are living in Apocalyptic times and that not only should we be fasting and praying but he is also suggesting that we receive Our Lord on our knees whenever possible.

    May God continue to bless this good priest. +

  19. Don_D

    Don_D ¡Viva Cristo Rey!

    Hard to believe that this is actually real.

    Fifteen years in Iowa jail for burning pride flag

    A US judge has handed down a sentence of at least 15 years to a man who stole an LGBT pride flag from a church and burned it outside a strip club.

    Adolfo Martinez, 30, admitted to the media that he took the flag from Ames United Church of Christ due to his animosity towards homosexuals.

    He was found guilty last month of hate crime harassment, reckless use of fire and being a habitual offender.

    The incident occurred around midnight on 11 June in downtown Ames, Iowa.

    Police say the crime spree began at Dangerous Curves, a strip club, when police were called because a man was making threats. By the time they arrived, he had already been kicked out by bar staff.

    After leaving the club, Martinez then travelled to the church and ripped down its flag. He then returned to the strip club where he used lighter fluid to burn the flag in the street. He also threatened to burn down the bar.

    He was arrested later that day, and told local media in a jail house interview that he was "guilty as charged".

    "It was an honour to do that. It's a blessing from the Lord," he said, explaining that he did it because he "opposed homosexuality".

    "I burned down their pride, plain and simple," he told KCCI-TV. The interview was entered into the trial as evidence against him.

    Church pastor Eileen Gebbie, who identifies as gay woman, says she agrees that Martinez' actions were motivated by hatred.

    "I often experienced Ames as not being as progressive as many people believe it is, and there still is a very large closeted queer community here," she told the Des Moines Register when he was convicted in November.

    "But 12 people that I don't know, who have no investment in me or this congregation, said this man committed a crime, and it was a crime borne of bigotry and hatred."

    Story County Attorney Jessica Reynolds said Martinez was the first person in the county's history to be convicted of a hate crime.

    "The hard reality is there are people who target individuals and commit crimes against individuals because of their race, gender, sexual orientation," she told the Ames Tribune.

    "And when that happens it's so important that as a society we stand up and people have severe consequences for those actions."
    jackzokay likes this.
  20. Muzhik

    Muzhik Powers

    As an Iowan, I don't like this, BUT ...

    Given that he was kicked out of a strip club for threatening violence, and then started a fire in the middle of the street ...

    ... I'm sure he'll get out in 10 years.

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